that Spanish terror shit is really fucked up


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I mean, it's one thing when you see 180 people dead in an unstable place like Baghdad, but another when it happens during rush hour in a stable, modern European country. Pretty much exactly the kind of people we see every day on our ways to work (except they speak Spanish and eat those gross hanging cow legs). I don't quite understand how this is supposed to help ETA's cause?

"Spain's September 11th"
a nightmare.

apparently the ETA is claiming it wasn't them, but an 'arabic group'..?

someone's comments on the other board were to the effect that this doesn't fit the usual ETA dealings
i thought it wasn't ETA disavowing, but an ETA-friendly banned party politician?

it DOES fit the usual ETA dealings--I'll go take a look on the "other board", but remember two or three months ago when Spain narrowly averted a catastrophe (well...pretty much exactly this) by finding a bunch of bombs planted on rush-hour trains? and supposedly they knew ETA was planning a huge terror attack, but didn't know when.
i mean keep in mind it certainly might not be ETA--too early to say. but it's definitely in the ETA style.

(it would be a stupid idea, anyway--kill 200 people on the even of the election that might catapult a hard-line anti-ETA party into office? DUMB)
Factors pointing toward some kind of al-Qaida link include: the scale of the attack(much larger than anything ETA has ever accomplished); the lack of anyone taking credit(ETA typically issues warnings prior to attacks); the simultaneity of the multiple attacks(Al Qaeda trademark); and the fact that on his last tape, Ayman al-Zawahiri, a senior al-Qaida figure, said Spain and other Iraq coalition members would be targeted.

Spanish interior minister says new line of Madrid blast investigation opened after police find van with detonators and Arabic-language tapes. Details soon.
right, but i think the larger thing is that ETA has always, ALWAYS announced their attacks beforehand, and explained exactly why they were attacking; they also targeted Spanish officials in general.

not that terror groups can't change their tactics, but it kind of goes against ETA's "we want a homeland, that's all" attitude. in addition, keep in mind that it's better for Aznar if it's ETA--he has a long record of fighting them, and it would look very bad if the Spanish people got the impression that "Aznar took us to war in Iraq and now we're being targeted by terrorists!" so i think the government will minimize Islamist involvement more than is probably warranted.