That's impossible.

Kvlt Wench said:
There\'s not such thing as trolls!

Then how do you explain the dead unicorns?

so my explication is:

once upon a time a guy named Jesus (read as Hesoos, or read in spanish) decided that unicorns are ugly and the world is full of sinners. So the told this drunk guy named noah to get a boat and get 2 pairs (male and female) of each kind of animal and his familly. The only thing is that jesus forgot to include the unicorns and the trolls because he saw them ugly. A day later he sent a huge rain that flooded the earth that killed everyone except those on the boat. A side effect of the flood is that kerry king plays shit guitar solos because they are not inspired by the one true god. So noah and his familly, and kerry king and all the animals repopulated the earth, except the unicorns . And now that flood has past, you can see the corpses of unicorns in people\'s basement and you can also have the latest slayer on itunes.

did i enlighten you?

Just watched this episode a few hours back on the Fix. Definitely, without ANY question, this is the best Metalocalypse episode. If it can maintain or even top this quality of solid comedy, then it will be right with Venture Bros. as the best show on Adult Swim.
hirax the band...they are ancient but cool....lordofthesewers...
Kvlt Wench said:
Watch Metalocalypse, jesus.
that was JUST on I came in here as the credits where rolling for it. I love how they show Espoo as this little midieval village with thatched roofs. and the fact that they didn't know what acoustic instruments where untill someone said "grandpa guitars"