That's It, I'm moving to Canada

and are they upset over the use of "bloody hell" or that Lara Bingle

is displaying actual breasteses
Doom said:
I don't know about other non-Americans, but until a few years ago I totally didn't realise how religious much of America is. I think it's since Bush has been in power that it's become more apparent to me.
A third of the country considers themselves Christian Fundamentalists. Two thirds of the country considers that idiots. The problem is, the religous, like the elderly, vote.
Thanatopsis123 said:
I don't see it.
Congratulations on your sanity.

"theres no Canada like French Canada the other Canada is the bullshit Canada"

The US just seems way to over the top with religon Canada seems similar to Australia except we dont have the french or legal weed god damnit. No one really is over the top with religion here except the few muslim immigrants who refuse to accept our culture and are fucktards.
^ oh Asmodea I didn't mean to start a fire....
Just my impression from places out side of Quebec...
Im sure not everyone in the province are like that, you're right that
I have also met many amazing nice people and I personally love it there.

Its the same in belgium btw... when I lived there, the flemish would know both languages and the Waloons wouldn't know Flemish...
Not everyone.... i know I know...

Sorry for starting a fire, mate!
Dead_Lioness said:
^ oh Asmodea I didn't mean to start a fire....
Just my impression from places out side of Quebec...
Im sure not everyone in the province are like that, you're right that
I have also met many amazing nice people and I personally love it there.

Its the same in belgium btw... when I lived there, the flemish would know both languages and the Waloons wouldn't know Flemish...
Not everyone.... i know I know...

Sorry for starting a fire, mate!
it's alright karen, I know you had no bad intentions when you said this, I still think you rock.:kickass:
I don't know what it is about Canada ... but it has never really interested me the least bit. Been to Niagara area and that was enough ... oh wait, RC meetin VC ... :loco:

but otherwise the whole country seems a little "sterile" and too "nice" ... i don't trust any place that does not try to provoke other nations :loco:
I'm still irritated with buying gas by the liter. But I liked exchanging my dollar for ten of the canucks'. bwahahah