xfer I JERK OFF TO ARCTOPUS Nov 8, 2001 25,932 13 38 47 New York City www.geocities.com Feb 4, 2003 #21 call jesse jackson azal!
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Feb 4, 2003 #22 I have no probelm with my posts getting edited. but when it is done and makes me seem like a happy good-doer who likes bunnies and not an asshole, this is when I get upset and I feel used and degraded.
I have no probelm with my posts getting edited. but when it is done and makes me seem like a happy good-doer who likes bunnies and not an asshole, this is when I get upset and I feel used and degraded.
VangelicSurgeon Three Star General Jul 26, 2002 5,301 5 38 47 www.maudlinofthewell.com Feb 4, 2003 #23 therin lies the bittersweet irony!
azal love is the answer Nov 12, 2002 10,888 16 38 43 Belgrade, Serbia Visit site Feb 4, 2003 #24 now I know what it's like to be black and constantly oppressed by the man...and for that I thank you. my eyes have been opened.
now I know what it's like to be black and constantly oppressed by the man...and for that I thank you. my eyes have been opened.