The 3 best reasons to et monitors

James Murphy said:
keep dreaming.

Or start building the Pico Lino.

It's a mini transmissionline, sounds very good. It cant go loud, but has a very good stereo'image & impulsebehaviour. Goes from 50hz (!) up to 16 Khz.

Or buy cheap (old secondhand) MFBmonitors from Philips, like these. These (active) speakers have a piezo'element on the bassunit measuring its excursion so the internal amp totally controls the LF. Thing goes straight down to 35Hz without distortion or overshoot. (Nice for double bassstuff)
what i do want is some new displays. damn, i still have old school style and it hurts my eyes after a while. not to mention i have to turn it off and on when tracking guitars.
so... what you guys are all saying is that the best reason to get monitors is because i'll be able to get hot dutch girls for €300??

except for me ofcourse... i allready live in holland and got me blond little goddess:rock:

to bad i'm still lackig the monitors hahahahaha:confused: :waah: