Adam Monitors - Anyone have an opinion?

I have been looking at active monitors at around the cost of £1000. I have been hearing good things about the Mackie HR824's and are definately an option.

A producer I know didn't rate these monitors much (he said they weren't much better than Behringer Truth's, for the price). This guy recommended me towards a pair of Adam P22A monitors, which he swears by. Has anyone used them or had any experience with them?

Thanks in advance!

Is your producer friend out of his mind? The Mackie HR824a's are insanely under-priced for what you get. The Behringer Truths aren't even in the same league as the Mackies. Moving on to the point at hand...

The ADAM Audio P22a's are really great monitors. I have been using them now for two weeks at the studio I work at and I must say they are just heaven. Haha. We were using Genelec 1031a nears and 1037c mains (the gigantic ones), and those are nice monitors, but I have found that they have a tendency to show too much high-end than is actually there...mostly when turned up over 80. The ADAMs have a ribbon tweeter which is indespensible, in my opinion, for really hearing what is going on.

After working with HR824s, Genelec 1031s, and the high-end Event monitors, I would have to say that these are my favorite as of yet. I'm actually working out the plans to get a studio of my own, with a full out ProTools HD system and in the system is the ADAM P22As, when I told the guy at Sweetwater that he was like "finally somebody that wants REAL monitors." Lol. I will also have a set of HR824s there for checking mixes...and maybe (if I can find a decently priced pair) a set of Yamaha NS-10s. Anyway, good luck with your choice, and if possible, try out as many monitors as you can. :)


Lol what he said. My point exactly. When Behringer Truth monitors are even JOKED about being used to do surround mixing for a full length feature film...THEN not only will they be in the same league as the Mackies..but hell will have also frozen over. I don't think that the Mackie HR626's were chosen for that task for no reason. Surround mixing for the Matrix was a very intense task, and I'm sure there was a reason those Mackies were used for that. BECAUSE THEY ARE GREAT MONITORS. Your friend needs to get a catscan. That's all there is to it.

yeah, i don't know if i need to add yet more rebuttal to your friend's claim about the Mackies than is already posted here .... but they are good monitors. if he actually thinks they are no better than the behringer's then he should perhaps consider scheduling a hospital visit to have the dog poop surgically removed from his ears. The ADAM's are very nice though, no doubt about that... so i suspect he may have been, as people will do, saying whatever it took to steer you towards his choice. don't buy it... the mackies are fine monitors. i'd love to have me some ADAM's too though.
Im sure the comparision to B******** Truths was not literal, I think it was more a contrast to the price in that Mackie HR824's retail in the UK for about £1000, and he had spotted the ADAM's at £700.

Id be surprised if B******** had made a better version of anything, that hadn't already been done before by another manufacture.

Thanks for the feedback guys, its much appreciated.

What would you say are the pro's and con's towards each monitor are?

Does anyone have any alternatives in a similar price range? I could probably stretch up to around $2000

For the record, the guy I know is a friend, but he is not into metal in the slightest, he is a bit of a dance music nut.
The Mackie's are very loud, and have excellent bass response. Well known to be very truthful monitors. Like I said, for the price, you get way more than what you pay for. If you wanted to, there's nothing wrong at all with ADAM monitors. They are very top-notch monitors and you wouldn't have to upgrade unless you blew them or they just simply wore out over the years. The Mackies are the same about that. Event makes great monitors as well, in the same range of price as the Mackies and they also have a few in the range of the ADAMs. Another brand I would suggest looking into if you want some quality budget-minded monitors are KRK. They are popular here in Guitar Center. I would say they are the price range of the Behringers, but almost high enough in quality and tonal response as the Mackies...although not exactly. It's really up to you to pick a pair for yourself. Words of wisdom : try out as many pairs, brands, wattages, etc. as you can before settling on one pair. Try bringing in cds of your favorite bands, or cds of music that you have mixed, and play it through the monitors to find one that sounds as natural as possible to you. Anyway, hope I helped.
