The 3 Top Movies Of Your Life!

1. Back to the future
2. Cold Hand Luck
3. Tales from the crypt
(4. demolition man 5. hit 6. the godfather 7. emellie de montmarte 8. Lisbon story 9. Training Day 10. Snatch...)
1. Gone With The Wind
2. The Ten Commandments
3. Braveheart

Depending on the day, Interview With The Vampire, Rosemary's Baby, Pulp Fiction, Bridget Jones' Diary, and any thing with Vincent Price or Kevin Smith's movies could be in the top 3.
It's amazing how metalists share a similar taste in movies...

Mine are:

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Clockwork Orange
3. Matrix

Others that can go are fight club, reqiem for a dream, pai (also from the requiem for a dream director), The Lord Of The Rings, Silence of the lambs & the sequal Hannibal, Neverending Story, Memento, and an Israeli movie called: "Hacochav Hacachol" ("The Blue Planet").
1. American history X

2. American history X

3. American history X

Those are my alltime favs.
I also really liked the movie in which Edoard Norton played a neo-nazi :lol:
well it's hard to mention the top 3, but I can say my fave movies

the experiment (german movie)
Clockwork Orange
Requiem for a dream
figth club
natural born killers

Interview With The Vampire :)
It's realy not hard for me to choose, I've seen these movies in a very young age and they have changed my future life and way of thought
1. The Wall
2. Hair
3. Wayne's World (and Bill & Ted too, I guess :)

There are many top films, but those 3 had a part molding who I am today.