'The ABC's of Size Bias': Someone Please Put a Bullet in This Fat Fucking Wasteland!

Scourge of God

New Metal Member
Mar 1, 2007
The ABC's of Size Bias

Open any local newspaper today and you are likely to find an article about the "fight against fat" or "war on weight." Growing numbers of schools across the nation are responding with everything from special nutrition and physical education programs to "Body Mass Index Report Cards" for students considered overweight and unhealthy.

Largely overlooked in this battle against obesity, however, is the collateral damage to young people stemming from the social consequences of size stigma and society’s harmful fixation on thinness.

G_d fucking forbid that we, you know, nip off unhealthy lifestyles before the social costs mount up! We might hurt some fattie's feelings.

Have I mentioned lately that this nation is doomed?
"...society's harmful fixation on thinness."

It could only be in an era as that in which we currently live, where a statement so obviously ludicrous(if not criminally so)could make any sense to anyone whatever.

Recently, I was visiting my local bookstore which tragically is in that bastion of American material excess - the Mall! After selecting some reading material I sat on a bench awhile, observing the public flooding into and out of the spending temple. I was again stunned at how FAT Americans really are. And overwhelmingly(and perhaps most inexplicable to me), the most obvious offenders were younger females! Easily every other female from age ten to fifty was at least "chunky" with many having reached full-tilt obesity proportions. Even those not specifically "fat" were hardly fit either. Most were probably in the pre-teen to late twenties age group, though it wasn't always easy to tell with the added weight, etc. It was amazing to watch.
I was reminded of claims similar to that quoted above - that girls in particular were allegedly under such great pressure to be unhealthily thin. I scrutinized this parade of corpulence for perhaps a half hour or so. I never saw a single female that could be considered underweight - not one, not even close.

This was suburban "anytown" USA, and I'm sure this scene is repeated across the fruited-plain each day. I have no idea if this has any philosophical value per se - but as a social commentary it is incredible to see this clear indicator of a decent into profound, unhealthy decadence.
Do you agree that there are distinct class differences here?
I read years ago that the richest people are a lot slimmer. In developing countries, the opposite is true and obesity is considered a sign of wealth and not as being ugly.

The poor blame their condition on junk food being so much cheaper than healthy food - yet at the rate they put it away I'm sure they could have spent the same money on a healthy meal rather than that quantity of rubbish.

If you allow a pet dog or cat unlimited access to all the food it likes then it will eat itself to obese levels. Humans with animal minds will do the same. Of course, if they are drug addicts they get the same animal satisfaction from drugs and may therefore be very skinny.
The poorest are also more likely to be the stupidest, and to lack the will-power of the more intelligent wealthy people.

One effect of obesity being a demonstration of idiocy could be that the most intelligent people will not be sexually drawn to these people (who would have looked attractive were they not so fat). And this should be eugenic in that fewer of the least intelligent should manage to reproduce with the most intelligent.
And since obesity also causes fertility problems, this is another plus.
Do you agree that there are distinct class differences here?
I read years ago that the richest people are a lot slimmer. In developing countries, the opposite is true and obesity is considered a sign of wealth and not as being ugly.

The poor blame their condition on junk food being so much cheaper than healthy food - yet at the rate they put it away I'm sure they could have spent the same money on a healthy meal rather than that quantity of rubbish.

If you allow a pet dog or cat unlimited access to all the food it likes then it will eat itself to obese levels. Humans with animal minds will do the same. Of course, if they are drug addicts they get the same animal satisfaction from drugs and may therefore be very skinny.
The poorest are also more likely to be the stupidest, and to lack the will-power of the more intelligent wealthy people.

One effect of obesity being a demonstration of idiocy could be that the most intelligent people will not be sexually drawn to these people (who would have looked attractive were they not so fat). And this should be eugenic in that fewer of the least intelligent should manage to reproduce with the most intelligent.
And since obesity also causes fertility problems, this is another plus.

This link has some general, though enlightening fact on just where the highest rates of obesity are:


It is clear from the information provided that obesity rates are frighteningly high among Black, Hispanic and "Native" Americans. The fact that almost half of adolecent Black females and Mexican males are overweight or obese is staggering to consider. Of course the larger percentage of "poor" will be found here.

Thus, there must clearly be some correlation between the rates and class/wealth/social status. However, the rates have increased in all areas to some extent, regardless of class, race, etc. And it is, of course, altogether unclear if and how intelligence may or may not play any part in this fattening of society on the whole.

Either way, to see so many young people so completely out of shape, to say nothing of their apparent lack of concern over even their appearance is remarkable to me. This type of thing was genuinely uncommon when I was teen back in the dark-ages of the 80's.:Smug:
"...society's harmful fixation on thinness."

It could only be in an era as that in which we currently live, where a statement so obviously ludicrous(if not criminally so)could make any sense to anyone whatever.

Recently, I was visiting my local bookstore which tragically is in that bastion of American material excess - the Mall! After selecting some reading material I sat on a bench awhile, observing the public flooding into and out of the spending temple. I was again stunned at how FAT Americans really are. And overwhelmingly(and perhaps most inexplicable to me), the most obvious offenders were younger females! Easily every other female from age ten to fifty was at least "chunky" with many having reached full-tilt obesity proportions. Even those not specifically "fat" were hardly fit either. Most were probably in the pre-teen to late twenties age group, though it wasn't always easy to tell with the added weight, etc. It was amazing to watch.
I was reminded of claims similar to that quoted above - that girls in particular were allegedly under such great pressure to be unhealthily thin. I scrutinized this parade of corpulence for perhaps a half hour or so. I never saw a single female that could be considered underweight - not one, not even close.

This was suburban "anytown" USA, and I'm sure this scene is repeated across the fruited-plain each day. I have no idea if this has any philosophical value per se - but as a social commentary it is incredible to see this clear indicator of a decent into profound, unhealthy decadence.

I think obesity is a generally cultural and modern phenenomenon (sorry Joe Vice, I am totally on the modernism is shit bandwagon--if not a quasi leader). Our society and economy is one of untold of luxury. Even the poor are surrounded by luxury. We never want. There is no scarcity unless its a new video game system at Christmas. And we have been told by marketing, our government, everyone, that more is better; that we need all sorts of crap to be happy; that this crap, which supposedly makes one happy, is the goal of life. We're never sated. Trapped like Roman aristocrats in an eternal feast. With the cheapness and ease of prepared food, one can continously gorge to find this happiness.

Another interesting quirk: our food industry is so monopolized by a few producers, the price of food has if anything declined in real dollars over the
last 20 years. Of course, the food is not fresh, or healthy, is usually manufactured, picked by immigrant labor, grown with chemicals, trucked in from a thousand miles away, etc. etc.

Anyway OldScracth, it is a shame to see so many wasted, wasted female bodies. I at least see obesity as a crime against nature.
Wasted in the sense that they don't make you want to stick your cock in them?

Well, wasted in that they're unnaturally obese. And yes (sorry, Ive been too sarcastic about sex, etc. since the cyrenaic thread). But it is a shame to see pretty fat girls isnt it? Am I the only one?
My son in law is American, from Kansas City, and the last time he went home he actually said he'd never seen so many large people..he was amazed that the plane actually took off:heh:
Well, wasted in that they're unnaturally obese. And yes (sorry, Ive been too sarcastic about sex, etc. since the cyrenaic thread). But it is a shame to see pretty fat girls isnt it? Am I the only one?

No you aren't the only one at all! And indeed, in the Mall example I experienced, there were girls/women who were generally "attractive" or pretty(facially)as far as I could tell, but were...well, fat or rather dumpy in appearance. I should add, I am not saying women(or anyone I suppose) cannot be appealing with a little extra...curviness, so to speak! I know women who are on the "saftig" side, and are quite attractive. But these are mature women, not sixteen to twenty year-olds.

All I can say is that this just wasn't the case when I was that age, in any way or form!
Well, wasted in that they're unnaturally obese. And yes (sorry, Ive been too sarcastic about sex, etc. since the cyrenaic thread). But it is a shame to see pretty fat girls isnt it? Am I the only one?

I don't know. External "prettiness" coupled with internal weakness and stupidity is not positive. (Yes, I am saying there is a very strong correlation between internal weakness/stupidity and obesity. Fools do not take care of their bodies, and the weak-willed are not able to control their habits. These, in my experience, make up 99% of fatties.) Anyway, I don't see fat pretty people and think it is a pity, but rather see it as positive that they are much much less attractive, hence less likely to pass on their idiotic genes.
"The research supports this claim. Studies consistently show that overweight children are more likely to be teased, bullied and socially marginalized. Their peers frequently reject them, are less willing to socialize or study with them, and admit to feeling ashamed to be seen or associated with them.

Overweight children are also more likely to receive negative ratings from teachers, poor school evaluations and experience lower college acceptance rates. Disturbingly, it has been found that the parents of overweight children provide them with less financial support for college than the parents of average weight children.

It should come as no surprise, then, that being overweight in our society is associated with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression and suicide."

Oh brilliant! Of course the low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression could never of been the thing that led them to being fat lards in the first place! No way in hell!

It seems society has only become fatarded when we started going "boo hoo" for the fatties getting teased, rather than "get the fuck over it and lose weight."

And another thing: Would not the weakness of will (self-consciousness) and utter stupidity that is requisite for becoming so fat in fact bring up a social awkwardness that attracts teasing and ridicule in itself (rather than the fatness)? Of course there is the exception of the individual that rationally chooses to not care about their weight. Though such individuals would not be susceptible to ridicule, as their obesity is not something they are personally ashamed of. In my experience such individuals aren't really even ridiculed, as they are capable of taking part in a social setting without being incredibly awkward/self-conscious.
"Of course there is the exception of the individual that rationally chooses to not care about their weight. Though such individuals would not be susceptible to ridicule, as their obesity is not something they are personally ashamed of. In my experience such individuals aren't really even ridiculed, as they are capable of taking part in a social setting without being incredibly awkward/self-conscious."

this is the real kicker. aside from the potential health risks, which again is entirely up to the fat, (we are all going to die) there is absolutely nothing wrong with being overweight. the difficulty lies with the overweight who are caught up in the society's fixation on thinness, which is an entirely superficial factor, which can do some good. if a fat ass feels love for a thin girl, society's fixation on thinness can be benificial, and used as motivation.
aside from the potential health risks, which again is entirely up to the fat, (we are all going to die) there is absolutely nothing wrong with being overweight.

VERY much decreased capacity for living fully is not something wrong? A fat individual can do a fraction of a fit individual. Life for a fatty is restricted to basically naught but lazy comfort, something hardly satisfying.

Also aesthetically the fat are extremely inferior...
There was a television programme once that showed a group of children maybe under 10, being asked to look at a card and say who they would least like to be their friend. On the card were pictures of a child using a wheelchair, a black child, a child with glasses, and a very overweight child.Most of them chose the overweight child as the one they would least like as a friend.
Έρεβος;6201339 said:
VERY much decreased capacity for living fully is not something wrong? A fat individual can do a fraction of a fit individual. Life for a fatty is restricted to basically naught but lazy comfort, something hardly satisfying.

I imagine a similar argument could be made towards those who eschew the life of monetary concerns - less capacity for living 'fully'? (Where 'fully' is some arbitrary personal judgement, of course)

Not that I really disagree with any of this...
Έρεβος;6201202 said:
I don't know. External "prettiness" coupled with internal weakness and stupidity is not positive. (Yes, I am saying there is a very strong correlation between internal weakness/stupidity and obesity. Fools do not take care of their bodies, and the weak-willed are not able to control their habits. These, in my experience, make up 99% of fatties.) Anyway, I don't see fat pretty people and think it is a pity, but rather see it as positive that they are much much less attractive, hence less likely to pass on their idiotic genes.

Theres a number of studies and books that have just come out that posit being fat is largely (at least 70% according to the study in the last book review from the ever reliable NY Times) genetic. In one study, a team of researchers used fat and skinny prisoners. The fat prisoners were put on a 600 calorie a day diet for I thiink 4 months; the skinny on 6-10,000 calorie a day diet. After a year away from the diet, 85% the fat prisoners who were essentially at their ideal weight after such a spartan diet, went back to being fat; almost 99% of the skinny prisoners went back to their old thin weights. Apparently, the metabolism of the fat prisoners is like 50% or even 25% the metabolism of the skinny prisoners (whose metabolism actually sped up the fatter they got), plus the fat have a pyschological drive to eat more. Only those fat study participants who ate extremely strict diets out of sheer will-power kept the weight off--and they had cravings. So thats the other neurobiological wrinkle: apparently, the fat have a psychological craving for more and more food.

I found it pretty interesting. Ive been the same muscular 197-200 lbs for 8 years. I can eat like a son of a bitch and never put on any weight. At most I fluctuate 3 lbs. Clearly when I hit 40 and my metabolism starts to decrease this might not be the case. But its my personal support for the study.

Plus, from a evolutionary perspective, being fat used to be advantageous (better than starving, stores of fat helped one through lean times). Many cultures still value unnatural obesity, as it celebrates prosperity.

So, what I am pointing out here, being fat might not be a choice, and until the last century, it was actually a sign of prosperity and health--staving off hunger and want.
Theres a number of studies and books that have just come out that posit being fat is largely (at least 70% according to the study in the last book review from the ever reliable NY Times) genetic. In one study, a team of researchers used fat and skinny prisoners. The fat prisoners were put on a 600 calorie a day diet for I thiink 4 months; the skinny on 6-10,000 calorie a day diet. After a year away from the diet, 85% the fat prisoners who were essentially at their ideal weight after such a spartan diet, went back to being fat; almost 99% of the skinny prisoners went back to their old thin weights. Apparently, the metabolism of the fat prisoners is like 50% or even 25% the metabolism of the skinny prisoners (whose metabolism actually sped up the fatter they got), plus the fat have a pyschological drive to eat more. Only those fat study participants who ate extremely strict diets out of sheer will-power kept the weight off--and they had cravings. So thats the other neurobiological wrinkle: apparently, the fat have a psychological craving for more and more food.

I found it pretty interesting. Ive been the same muscular 197-200 lbs for 8 years. I can eat like a son of a bitch and never put on any weight. At most I fluctuate 3 lbs. Clearly when I hit 40 and my metabolism starts to decrease this might not be the case. But its my personal support for the study.

Plus, from a evolutionary perspective, being fat used to be advantageous (better than starving, stores of fat helped one through lean times). Many cultures still value unnatural obesity, as it celebrates prosperity.

So, what I am pointing out here, being fat might not be a choice, and until the last century, it was actually a sign of prosperity and health--staving off hunger and want.

I have to admit, I am not one who can eat whatever and suffer no consequences - so while I'd love to believe what these studies suggest, I am VERY sceptical of this thinking. On its face it just smacks of the now fashionable effort to excuse away virtually any individual, personal responsibility for various unhealthy situations, ie. alchohol and drug abuse, obesity, sex-addiction...what have you. I'm sure there may indeed be some biological basis for the studies results and the fact that some can indeed eat like swine and never seem to get fat. But the broader implications of this type of research finding leaves me wondering if it isn't all just somewhat scientifically based excuse-making.
Έρεβος;6201339 said:
1..VERY much decreased capacity for living fully is not something wrong? 2..A fat individual can do a fraction of a fit individual. 3...Life for a fatty is restricted to basically naught but lazy comfort, something hardly satisfying.

4...Also aesthetically the fat are extremely inferior...

1...no, its not wrong. its entirely a personal choice.
2...that obviously depends on what they are doing.
3...something hardly satisfying to you.
4...to you, they are.
I have to admit, I am not one who can eat whatever and suffer no consequences - so while I'd love to believe what these studies suggest, I am VERY sceptical of this thinking. On its face it just smacks of the now fashionable effort to excuse away virtually any individual, personal responsibility for various unhealthy situations, ie. alchohol and drug abuse, obesity, sex-addiction...what have you. I'm sure there may indeed be some biological basis for the studies results and the fact that some can indeed eat like swine and never seem to get fat. But the broader implications of this type of research finding leaves me wondering if it isn't all just somewhat scientifically based excuse-making.

Ive known several very large people and in each instance they have eaten incredibly large ammounts of food, and generally gorged themselves on junk food,so I believe you do not get to that kind of size without"pigging out" so to speak. Its rare but possible to find people who can eat what they like and not put on any weight.I do wonder sometimes where they get this research from as it isnt at all what seems to happen in real life?:heh: