'The ABC's of Size Bias': Someone Please Put a Bullet in This Fat Fucking Wasteland!

I do wonder sometimes where they get this research from as it isnt at all what seems to happen in real life?:heh:

The research most likely says something along the lines of it is easier for some people to get fat, harder for others, and much easier or harder for others. It is still entirely the individual's choice, not his or her body's. It is not hard at all to maintain a relatively healthy body, for basically anyone (with very rare exceptions).
Έρεβος;6211122 said:
The research most likely says something along the lines of it is easier for some people to get fat, harder for others, and much easier or harder for others. It is still entirely the individual's choice, not his or her body's. It is not hard at all to maintain a relatively healthy body, for basically anyone (with very rare exceptions).

Yes, that is a good summing up.


Article on gene that increases chance of obesity

Urging people not to get the idea that losing weight is out of their control, he said: "Being overweight is probably a combination of genes and other factors and people still have control over these other factors and are still able to lose weight.

"Many people have this variant but are not overweight."

"Obesity is a complex disorder and there is no evidence from this research to suggest that carriers of the gene will not successfully lose weight by decreasing their energy intake and becoming more active."

This gene, at its worst, is only accountable for a maximum of one stone in weight gain above what would be normal weight. So the seriously obese can't blame that gene for their condition.

Kids may be overfed by their obese parents, and this seems like child abuse imo. Some parents sustain their kids on cola, chips, white bread, sweets and cakes. This should be considered criminal.
Ideally, the issue would shift from fat versus thin to fit versus out-of-shape. Being unnaturally skinny isn't much better than being unnaturally heavy; people of all ages should be encouraged to work out and maintain their bodies. It would be nice to see gym classes spending more time in the weight rooms and on cardio equipment, at least at a high school level.
Yes, that is a good summing up.


Article on gene that increases chance of obesity

This gene, at its worst, is only accountable for a maximum of one stone in weight gain above what would be normal weight. So the seriously obese can't blame that gene for their condition.

Kids may be overfed by their obese parents, and this seems like child abuse imo. Some parents sustain their kids on cola, chips, white bread, sweets and cakes. This should be considered criminal.
Agree totally,some people are literally killing their kids on pizza cheap sausages and burgers, if you live in the UK,you know the food chain Iceland with its huge ranges of economy junk food.Its amazing how many children now dont even know what certain vegetables are, let alone eat them.When I was younger if you saw a huge person eg morbidly obese, it was a very rare occurence, now its part of daily life.
When I was younger if you saw a huge person eg morbidly obese, it was a very rare occurence, now its part of daily life.

Tolerance makes fat people. If every fat person got beat up at random by skinheads, fewer people would be fat, mainly from running hard to escape.

Anti-fat skinheads... that's awesome.
Tolerance makes fat people. If every fat person got beat up at random by skinheads, fewer people would be fat, mainly from running hard to escape.

Anti-fat skinheads... that's awesome.

I only just saw this lol. Ive just lost a stone a stone by using the Paul Mckenna method. No doubt youd probably have a lot to say about this, but it honestly works!
I think we should eat nothing but raw broccoli and dumb people, but not deep fried. That's my kind of diet plan.
Does it take into account what the dumb people I'm cannibalizing (?) ate?

No problem, I guess the dumb people ate Mcdonalds or some other form of junk food? Doesnt matter what you eat on this plan, as long as you,a.Eat the food slowly and chew each mouthful
b.Dont feel you must clear your plate, try and leave a little and stop eating when you feel full up:heh:
Here's some news.

Thin people can be "fat inside".

Slimness is far from a guarantee of being free from the diseases of obesity such as diabetes and heart disease.

Thin people who don't take plenty of excercise accumulate dangerous levels of fat around their organs.

In some ways those of us who visibly put on weight, more easily than other high-metabolism people, are lucky because we can see that we need to watch our diet and excercise, while the others eat fatty foods with abandon little realising what is happening inside their bodies.

No you aren't the only one at all! And indeed, in the Mall example I experienced, there were girls/women who were generally "attractive" or pretty(facially)as far as I could tell, but were...well, fat or rather dumpy in appearance. I should add, I am not saying women(or anyone I suppose) cannot be appealing with a little extra...curviness, so to speak! I know women who are on the "saftig" side, and are quite attractive. But these are mature women, not sixteen to twenty year-olds.

All I can say is that this just wasn't the case when I was that age, in any way or form!

It's interesting. I don't really find people attractive based on how they look, so I can't relate. I don’t understand ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’ as characteristics independent of 'character' or even 'way of being,' which I guess is much more 'ontological' than biological.
It's interesting. I don't really find people attractive based on how they look, so I can't relate. I don’t understand ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’ as characteristics independent of 'character' or even 'way of being,' which I guess is much more 'ontological' than biological.

Surely you make assumptions regarding someone's character from the way that they look, before (if ever) finding out more?
It's interesting. I don't really find people attractive based on how they look, so I can't relate. I don’t understand ‘beautiful’ or ‘ugly’ as characteristics independent of 'character' or even 'way of being,' which I guess is much more 'ontological' than biological.

Good heavens, I must be terribly superficial! I can most assuredly appreciate a purly aesthetic(visual)beauty that may have nothing to do with character whatever.
I certainly am not of the "looks are everything" school of thought - at least not since adolescence:Smug:. Nevertheless, I cannot imagine being fully attracted to someone on a meaningful level that I didn't find physically appealing regardless of their way of being, character etc. Evidently, I am in the hopelessly biological category!!
Good heavens, I must be terribly superficial! I can most assuredly appreciate a purly aesthetic(visual)beauty that may have nothing to do with character whatever.
I certainly am not of the "looks are everything" school of thought - at least not since adolescence:Smug:. Nevertheless, I cannot imagine being fully attracted to someone on a meaningful level that I didn't find physically appealing regardless of their way of being, character etc. Evidently, I am in the hopelessly biological category!!

I share your terrible superficialness Old Scratch.
I share your terrible superficialness Old Scratch.

I agree that appearance is rather important, except that if someone I really love should be disfigured in an accident I certainly wouldn't stop loving them as a result. Would any of you? And people don't normally go off their partner as they age, since they remember them fondly how they used to be. But if the other person has "let themself go" in an inexcusable way that can be different.
I agree that appearance is rather important, except that if someone I really love should be disfigured in an accident I certainly wouldn't stop loving them as a result. Would any of you? And people don't normally go off their partner as they age, since they remember them fondly how they used to be. But if the other person has "let themself go" in an inexcusable way that can be different.

Of course, of course. I was being facetious. Love is a very powerful emotion/thing, that once entered into, can make one do things they wouldnt dream of.

On the other note, even if I had a total connection with (found my soulmate, etc) and loved the inner being of a 400lb or terribly ugly woman, I would become platonic friends, not lovers. This has happened to me before. I have on two occassions felt a deep connection and thought I could have a wonderful future with one plump girl and one very dowdy unattractive woman. I just couldnt think of either in anything but a platonic manner. So, I believe like you, that appearance is somewhat important. Not terrifically, but I think everyone has a sort of baseline of attractiveness that must be met.
Of course, of course. I was being facetious. Love is a very powerful emotion/thing, that once entered into, can make one do things they wouldnt dream of.

On the other note, even if I had a total connection with (found my soulmate, etc) and loved the inner being of a 400lb or terribly ugly woman, I would become platonic friends, not lovers. This has happened to me before. I have on two occassions felt a deep connection and thought I could have a wonderful future with one plump girl and one very dowdy unattractive woman. I just couldnt think of either in anything but a platonic manner. So, I believe like you, that appearance is somewhat important. Not terrifically, but I think everyone has a sort of baseline of attractiveness that must be met.

Hmm, it's interesting to me that you assumed my previous post was pejorative in tone. I honestly didn't intend any implication of superficiality.

But no, thinking about it, I don't really find that's the case for me at all. I can't think of the last time I was attracted to someone because of how they looked. I think, were I to have found a similar 'harmony' between myself and them, I probably would have dearly loved one of the people you had a platonic relationship with, and felt really proud and privileged to be her partner.
I remember a couple of years ago I wrote this wretched c17 style play (a terrible initiative) about similar topics. I can hardly stand to read back through it now; it makes me cringe so much. I dug it out in thinking about this thread. It had all these maudlin soliloquies about lust, which kind of rambled on without meter or coherence (not that much different from my stuff now I guess). I'll post a couple for fun. I think I was trying to ‘wielderfight my penisolate war,’ as Joyce might say.

Couer: Rise! Rise! Great fates and blow your scorn upon me!
I curse your nature that holds man to a mortal state
Thus stained with fearful shade and deathly mordant!
"Oh so it be, so it be, we are ships at sea!
To spring for leaks is life’s leaven
And he unto her and her unto he:
Love’s axis wanes proportionately”
Doth thus the mortal coil only shine when entwined?
Doth life then obviate the lusting loins
And men dance machismo round a hole
To fill the role at play and define a body by a bump;
To lay their lusting disposition at the charge of love?
It doth excite expulsion that tolerance deigns
To hold to bosom breast alike and breathe forth
Unto another some trivial eloquence to nail
A crux upon a moment from which life’s
Shards hang, time-like, to be given meaning.
It is a humorous garb to hold the self as worthy
To another when revealed in naked depths
Over which a veneer of mood doth cover instinct’s longing
And brands a face with love, a place with home
And a life defined by death. And fish and stars
And crosses and sickles do prank upon its waters
All leading well-ward down to stygian depths!
We are as ships upon a darkling wave to dash upon a
Woeful shore and lie niggardly in profligation,
Soothed by a Romantic lay which wraps cruel fate
To rhyme for those that remain and cling, like
Hope, to its meaningless meaning of context.
I speak in tongues to an audience of want
And platitude's smile will dance success over my fly-fed corpse.
If spirit needs a martyr let conscience play the part
And crawl into the ruins of a broken blackened heart.