The Addiction Thread

Muffin said:
EWW Snus er en styggedom som skal utryddes!

I'm addicted to guitars :erk: (not kidding, i cant be in a room with a guitar without playing it, and if i go several hours without playing i get unfocused :ill: )

Snus är nått som män ägnar sin tid åt ^^
Fetzer said:
Ho and I'm still addicted to

Aaaahhhh I want some...
Fetzer said:
Hahah you damn stupid cunt, I was saying this because after posting the pics, that give me the envy to eat them.


haha i think the edit speaks for its self :p
Nikotiini said:
like me!

any way... I'm addicted to coffee, snowboarding, sex, and..... i think thats it...

you're addicted to UM girls?
i'm addicted to pissing off women (a tad mysoginistic i suppose, but if you knew me, you'd know why), and fetzer (who i suppose could be considered a woman too, just for fun)
only a few of what im adicted to:
Partying :D
sweets :(
Coffie!!!!!!!!!! and just about all things with caffine and latly booze since i dont have nuthing elses at the moment :cry: