The Amen Corner

Even though it's not my favorite on 'My Arms, Your Hearse', I think this song is damn near perfect. It has such an awesome progression, and then when it gets to the '... Eerie circles upon the water... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!' part, I'm pretty much freaking out. Very dangerous for me to listen to while driving.
It's hard to decide if this is one of the better songs on the album, simply because My Arms Your Hearse is easily the best album of all time.
Even though it's not my favorite on 'My Arms, Your Hearse', I think this song is damn near perfect. It has such an awesome progression, and then when it gets to the '... Eerie circles upon the water... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!' part, I'm pretty much freaking out. Very dangerous for me to listen to while driving.

lol a friend and I were driving to the gas station and back listening to Karma and I ran the same stop sign twice cause it was so intense. (before anyone flames me, it's not a busy intersection at all)

As for Amen Corner, I love it. So many good riffs and Mikael sounds like a fucking demon. I love his growls on Amen Corner, April Ethereal, well really all of MAYH :kickass:
speaking of MAYH, does anyone else love epilogue? i personally think it's the best instrumental ever, mike's guitar work in that song is phenomanal. i just love a good instrumental peice and epilogue totally rocks my ass off every tyime i listen to it.
^today i was laying on my bed with my eyes closed stopped what i was doing and had shivers for 3:59 minutes straight
I do like very much that piece, especially the first acoustic part. The chords in there are really one the best progression of the whole album, and the lead sounds very inspired, is played with impressing dynamics and it is not based on the same root following scale..
meh, When > Amen Corner.
(all opinion of course)

In my opinion, your correct. "When" was one of the reasons I ended up purchasing My Arms Your Hearse. It's a killer song, and probably my second favorite on the album, right under Demon Of The Fall.
Favourite album but not favourite track.All of them can be considered as favourite for me but if I have to talk about serious favourite I would vote Karma.
I love the song, the lyrics are good, the title is awesome... "The Amen Corner". That's just awesome.

As usual with Mikael and Opeth Album/song titles, Amen Corner is an old 70's prog rock/psychadelic band. So is When, and so on.....
speaking of MAYH, does anyone else love epilogue? i personally think it's the best instrumental ever, mike's guitar work in that song is phenomanal. i just love a good instrumental peice and epilogue totally rocks my ass off every tyime i listen to it.

Yea, it's definitely some of Mike's best and most technical soloing. That was impressive then, but now Fredrik has joined the band and solo's have become super complex and fast.