The American President


New Metal Member
Jul 30, 2008
Barak Obama has been elected President of the United States, and i was wondering about the opinions of the people on this forum.
Do you guys think Barak will be a good president, or not? will he pull American troops back home? will he be able to fix the American economy? Do any of you think John McCain would have been able to handle any of america's problems better than Barack Obama? i really want to hear this forum's opinions/predictions on this subject
Well, I'm glad Barack won. But I wouldn't have been remotely dissapointed if McCain won. I think that despite Obama's message of change, he's just another career politician playing an angle and whether or not he's a good president he will be pretty much the same old same old. The fact that he picked Rahm Emanuel shows that he's just another politician playing the game. Rahm Emanuel is a master spinster, which Obama was supposed to be against. If he was offering positions to McCain and Hillary then that would be someone who isn't exactly like the rest of the politicians out there. That would be a forward-thinking individual looking for change to improve the country.
the reason that i made this thread is because all of the international attention this american election recieved, everyone outside of america desperately wanted Barak Obama to beat John McCain, even though half of america wanted McCain to win, why do the people outside of america like Obama so much?
I think he will be a better president than Bush esp.
Obama will make things better relating environmental things, I must say Iam glad that he was elected maybe this will be also good for a global change of our Politics but not sure in the news I heard he is a war supporter and will send new troups to afghanistan so I don't know so much about the american political situation cause Iam german but I think some things stay the same and some maybe get better..
I'm from the midwest in America and I'm proud to have voted for Barack Obama. While he is a politician, his record shows that he is far from corrupt. Jon McCain owns 12 houses and 13 cars, and he would follow the Bush agenda. There's so much hype around Obama because for once America has a elected a president that actually wants to do some good. Of course he wont be able to do everything that he wants to, but Obama will bring change.
Being from Canada, for me it was more of a racial advancement for a country of such a long history of bigotry. I think Mr. Obama is probably more of a secularist than people think, and this world needs more secular politicians. It's not a matter of their personal faith, it's a matter of using religion as a basis of your decisions. It's unethical and ridiculous.

It was a proud day for me, to see America really try to change. Even though it might have been an angle, and Obama could possibly turn out to be just a boring ol' politician, at least people have voted in someone supporting change.

But, I lost hope for the US when Bush won a second term.
I am also happy that Obama has won the presidential election of `08. I believe he will suffice to be a great president. But Me, as of my own opinions, I do also believe that if McCain would have won the election, it would not have upset me much at all. I am not one to be fully influenced into the political world, or by the political world. But i do like both of them. As long as the country does not implode on itself, i am happy. =]

Thanks monoxide_child
A lot of people joke about his, "Yes we can" mantra. But that is very important. The first step in making any kind of change is to inspire the masses and to give them hope. If people begin to believe that they can make a difference, it will get them off their butts and get the balling rolling to making that change.

He may be, as some said, a politician who will do whatever possible to gain power for personal gain, but I don't get that feeling from this guy. I think he means what he says, and will do whatever is necessary to make things right.

The verdict is still out on Obama, so let's leave the doubt to the side until he is given his chance to prove himself.
A lot of people joke about his, "Yes we can" mantra. But that is very important. The first step in making any kind of change is to inspire the masses and to give them hope. If people begin to believe that they can make a difference, it will get them off their butts and get the balling rolling to making that change.

He may be, as some said, a politician who will do whatever possible to gain power for personal gain, but I don't get that feeling from this guy. I think he means what he says, and will do whatever is necessary to make things right.

The verdict is still out on Obama, so let's leave the doubt to the side until he is given his chance to prove himself.

nicely said.
Only time will tell, it took America decades to reach this point of ruination, it will take twice as long to turn it. Any presidential executive staff takes pretty much a full 8 years to get any effect off their decisions. The first three years are spent waffling back and forth, bickering between the house and senate to decide whether such and such should be done. Then the 4th year is spent trying to get re=elected. Then if they do sometimes by chance within the next 3 years they might get something accomplished, then it takes many years to figure out whether that particular thing was a good idea or a detriment... at which time the succeeding Pres gets the blame or the glory. Its actually quite silly how nothing ever gets done and the same campaign issues are the same issues decade after decade. I expect nothing to change, the democrates are nothing special either, quite rediculous at times, not unlike their counterpart.

I found many reasons not to vote for either candidate.

Good post STK.
Obama is the greatest thing to happent to america in ages. he reminds me of kennedy. has real presidential gravitas
well so far i can agree on a few things that have been said and do disagree on a few things, but it all goes down to what you believe in .
for me barack obama was not voted for out of what he can bring to the us he was voted for out of the fact that it would be a major advancement in teh us economy to see a black man run the country. Hell all those that are saying " he might pull the troops" get fucking real! wether u accept it/believe it , america started this war for OIL , black gold label it as u wish , bush chose to lable it as war on terrorism , do u reaaly think obama will pull the troops out , it would be mindless , to start a war have thousands killed have terrorist atacks as a result and then to pull the troops out without accomplishing anything! no way .

People outside of the us, like me, only like obama because they believe that he can and will help our current crisis with stocks, credit crunch etc. They only believe this because obama is a little more , lets say, economically aware than mcain .

I thought mcain would have been a good choice, hes a strong character and america needs a guy witha stiff upper lip to put a stop to a lot of te bullshit bush let go on. Just my opinion but only time will tell with obama

and whoever sed about him employing a master spinster, is absaloutley correct

Only time will tell, it took America decades to reach this point of ruination, it will take twice as long to turn it. Any presidential executive staff takes pretty much a full 8 years to get any effect off their decisions. The first three years are spent waffling back and forth, bickering between the house and senate to decide whether such and such should be done. Then the 4th year is spent trying to get re=elected. Then if they do sometimes by chance within the next 3 years they might get something accomplished, then it takes many years to figure out whether that particular thing was a good idea or a detriment... at which time the succeeding Pres gets the blame or the glory. Its actually quite silly how nothing ever gets done and the same campaign issues are the same issues decade after decade. I expect nothing to change, the democrates are nothing special either, quite rediculous at times, not unlike their counterpart.

I found many reasons not to vote for either candidate.

Good post STK.

by this logic, it would help the country if term limits were increased to 3 or maybe 4 terms instead of just 2... unless the president is a jackass, which is the reason for the existance of term limits to begin with...
Term limits seem they should be changed, but on the flip side that would have given us 3 terms of Regan, which we pretty much had anyhow with Bush Sr, those guys spent a fortune on our military running up our debt, now georgie-poo went even further, the thought of three terms of either... or even the Clintons seems scary to me. Lifers in the senate and house are not a good thing either. They are all so very complacient and pretty much there for the paycheck. The point that should have been gotten by my post was that they dont do anything, dont try anything, never accomplish anything... except more debt... or the passing of acts/bills that give our social security money to immigrants, exporting our jobs, importing junk products... made by people that our jobs were given too, handing money to the lazy that do little but have babies every 12 months, outside of these things I've mentioned, I can think of little more that our government has done for its citizens in the past 30 years. They really are a bunch of loosers.

mattjoneszuk - terribly off the path in a few areas, the war had nothing to do with "oil", a "black" pres " he was voted for out of the fact that it would be a major advancement in teh us economy to see a black man run the country". How in the heck that corrolates into an "economic advancement" is beyond me. Yes he got voted in because he was "black", the minorities showed up in record numbers and many interviews proved they had no idea what they were even voting for... just a "black" man... whom was born to a white mother BTW... hardly "black". We also had a large portion of the idealistic "anti-war" youth vote... again people that are clueless as to the course of events that lead to "wars". Then we had the anti Bush votes. It was really a shit election, stacked in a picular way from the beginning, it was the most commercial of elections in our history, it was all about spin and promotion, "look at the "black" man... look at the "first woman".... shit a fucking dog with a hat on could have beat the republicans this time around
America has voted, and in essence, Barack Obama has been hired. All Americans need to support the President-Elect. This is the choice Americans have made, clear and concise. Why I voted for Obama is his realistic plans for America's children, they after all, ring the future. His policies, both foreign and domestic, can not be assessed until his first term expires. How America voted Bush in for a second term, is way beyond me. However, The condition America is in now, is not entirely Bush's fault. It's been a trickle down affect from previous administrations. Of course, Bush and his fucked up cronies (Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the other ingrates, too many to mention) have their fingerprints all over the present American issues, which they imo, exacerbated. I read that when George Bush first stepped into the Oval office, he wanted designs to take out Hussein. WTF, cleaning up his Daddy's mess from Desert Storm. Bush senior just punched Hussein out of Saudi Arabia, when he had the chance to crush him then. George Bush lied to the American people for going to war in Iraq, plain and simple. In March of 2003, he went into Iraq leaving the job of finishing up in Afghanistan on the side. They fucked up from day 1. Obama must build a world co-alition to defeat terrorism. America can not do it by herself.I don't want to go any further with this except to say for me, a huge sigh of relief is escaping from my lungs, as we turn the page on Bush.
America has voted, and in essence, Barack Obama has been hired. All Americans need to support the President-Elect. This is the choice Americans have made, clear and concise. Why I voted for Obama is his realistic plans for America's children, they after all, ring the future. His policies, both foreign and domestic, can not be assessed until his first term expires. How America voted Bush in for a second term, is way beyond me. However, The condition America is in now, is not entirely Bush's fault. It's been a trickle down affect from previous administrations. Of course, Bush and his fucked up cronies (Cheney, Rumsfeld and all the other ingrates, too many to mention) have their fingerprints all over the present American issues, which they imo, exacerbated. I read that when George Bush first stepped into the Oval office, he wanted designs to take out Hussein. WTF, cleaning up his Daddy's mess from Desert Storm. Bush senior just punched Hussein out of Saudi Arabia, when he had the chance to crush him then. George Bush lied to the American people for going to war in Iraq, plain and simple. In March of 2003, he went into Iraq leaving the job of finishing up in Afghanistan on the side. They fucked up from day 1. Obama must build a world co-alition to defeat terrorism. America can not do it by herself.I don't want to go any further with this except to say for me, a huge sigh of relief is escaping from my lungs, as we turn the page on Bush.

nice post. i agree.