The "animal in you" test!

You are either a Bat or a Otter personality.

I read through the description and looks like I could write off the Otter personality ... too many areas that I'm utterly hopeless with.

Then again the bat personality seems just about fit ... not the best fit though.
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You are a Mole personality. [size=-1]Sex is not the most important thing in the mole's life but if there is one animal personality that can push all the right buttons; it would be its soul mate, the bat. (like Yoko Ono) The bat and the mole share a love for dark intimacy and when these two get together, black magic is bound to happen.[/size]
Hmmmm, I was apparently either a bison or a walrus, maybe even a fox. But, eh, none of those fit, especially not the walrus. Each one has bits that fit, but also huge areas that are totally wrong. I'm really more like a bifox, or a foson.