The "Anything Goes" Thread

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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Well I am off work "again". I tell you it is a Shitty time to be in the construction Business. Bad times, Bad economy, on the verge of war. I do not even know what to think anymore.

Anyways I thought I would start a thread that is kinda like a journal. Just write whatever you feel like. Get things off your chest to a bunch of anonymous people. Thats what I am gonna do anyways.

My problem, well there really is none other than I am with a really great girl, and well since Hunter was born, I did not really care if I dated anyone or not. She has been there for me for three years, even when I was "dead" as my friends called it. Well we finally got together, and now I cannot get enough of her. She is in college now and will soon be transfering to another school,which means the dreaded long distance relationship. Well I do not think it will work, and she does. Maybe I am being stupid, but I have been through it already and do not want to go through it again.
Well thats whats bothering me today. Sometimes it is nice to get shit out and to let a lot of strangers read it, or maybe not.

Like I said I am off of work and spend alot of time on the net because I have no money for anyhting else. Write some interesting stuff so I have something to check every five minutes.
the girl i like don't have a clue i try dropping hints she either ignores them or or isent getting them i've kinda asked her to come see anthrax with me but can't cause i don't no what she will say i'll get to depressed if she says no

im trying to get a job can't get one no gcse's and i aint working in no cafe for fuck all money

i've been looing for a job for the past few months life sucks when you have no money
I had the joy of taking my son to the ER last night because he was throwing up water and didn't pee for several hours. There are way too many stupid fucking people in the ER. They'll go for anything. I only went because his doctor's office was closed because of the holiday and they said I had to get him seen because of the dehydration problem. He also had a high fever and acted like he was dying most of the day. He threw up again on the way home, after we'd gotten him to drink a bunch of water and apple juice. Carseats are not easy to clean puke out of. He got up again this morning, burning up, I gave him some Motrin, and then he slept late and now you would never know there was ever anything wrong with him, except for the pile of laundry that needs to be folded that I'm putting off because I don't fucking feel like doing it. Oh and the best part of all this is that I had ninth row Coyotes tickets given to me for last night and I had to give them away, when I haven't been to a game in over two years. Yep, it's a great week...
I went to the dentist today for a teeth cleaning. IS IT JUST ME OR DO THEY PRACTICALLY BUTCHER THE INSIDE OF YOUR MOUTH??? Good god, I'm still bleeding from it.
I had my teeth cleaned a week ago, by my wife (she is a hygienist). A gentle cleaning!!! Sorry to hear some are not so good. Is it just me, or are 90-95% of hygienists HOT? My prior hygienist was a little hussy too!

Dentists know this brings back customers!!:)

Anyway, I am still working on some remodeling....all small, manageable stuff now. Just gotta finish 2 closets then hang doors.

Well that is all for now....
Fucked up my knee running the Disney Marathon last weekend and it still hurts like a mutha f'er. Started hurtin at mile 15 and I had to suck it up and run the remaining 11 miles dragging my leg behind me. Still finished in 4.5 hours. Well now I haven't been able to excercise for 10 days since, but I keep eating like I was in training, like a grazing ass is expanding. Can't stop eating. Can't stop eating. Now that I have finished my second marathon, I am considering doing an Ironman triathlon...........I like pain.

One Man......... If the girl is right, the distance doesn't matter.
I'm having an excellent week! After feeling lonely and pissed off at the world for a few months, I suddenly felt better one day. Then I didn't care about anything, didn't let anything bother me.
Then suddenly, I hook up with someone. Without even trying. And last night was one of the best times I've had in...I don't know how long...

Onemanstands: Armored Thrax is right.
dentists arent as bad as they used to be,its almost as if even if your teeth were perfect they would bash and barrge and say oh loose tooth goota get it out lol,didnt go back to the dentist for a long time after thar lol

now i go for the needle much much easier!!!!
Originally posted by vomit
I had my teeth cleaned a week ago, by my wife (she is a hygienist). A gentle cleaning!!! Sorry to hear some are not so good. Is it just me, or are 90-95% of hygienists HOT? My prior hygienist was a little hussy too!

Dentists know this brings back customers!!:)

Anyway, I am still working on some remodeling....all small, manageable stuff now. Just gotta finish 2 closets then hang doors.

Well that is all for now....

Actually, my last hygenist's daughter was my high school crush. She is hot as hell. I haven't saw her since graduation though. :(
2nite i don't care about a thing i got a few cold beers a bottle of vodka and laods of diet coke i got anthrax blaring out im just chilling in a very metal way and i got the ps2 in the front room with gta vice city and loads more games \m/
we are suppose to have wind chill's 30 to 40 below so I do not have nothing planned for tonight. Just stay inside and crank up the heat. Me and the "girlfriend" had are first real fight last night but just about typical relationship bullshit. I can be a hypocrytical asshole sometimes. why should Rules affect her and not me? Anyways we won't get into that. Everything is cool now. Me and the boy are just gonna chill out and watch Ed, one of the best shows on tv.
Good News Today! I had to take a test to get my electrical license in Iowa, which makes no sense cuz, i mean c'mon it's Iowa. Just a bunch of Farmers and shit. They don't need license's for anything. Anyways I found out i passed today and hopefully can get back to work.
One Man....

I work for an electrical contractor in Orlando FL. If you want to get away from the "farmers and shit" in Iowa and need a job, let me know. I am tired of being the only one at my company that knows good music!!!!!!!

Congrats on passing!
Armored thrax, that is so wierd my girlfriend wants to move to Florida really bad and we were just talking hypothetically about doing it cuz she has family down there and one of my best friends lives down there. That would be cool to know someone and be able to get a job fairly easy.
That's crazy. I'm interested to know if one man does move near Armored Thrax.
Looks like this thread was meant to be.
i really need a job or to get into collage
if i go to collage i'll get £30 a week and only have to do mornings 4 days a week
if i get a job i'll end up getting some shitty hole in the wall doing 7am till 5:30pm a day job earning fuck all and haveing to pay most of it out towards tax ect ect

i think im gonna have to try and get into collage AGAIN
construction? ha! yesterday i just quit my job at a construction company. damn it's not slow there!!! i just couldn't stand having to basically learn EVERYONE's jobs and make sure they were doing them right. especially while they were making like 15-20 bucks and hr and me only 8. one thing i learned is that i am NOT an office type girl. no more fucking office jobs! i'll just join the circus as a juggler:lol: