The reunion thread

Coppercollarworker said:
I heard that John just wanted to take some time off to be with his wife and new baby. If they "Kicked him out" just because of that, then Scott is a bigger asshole than I thought. Let's not forget all the shit he was talking about Joey and Dan.

Personally, I am just happy that Frank is back! As far as singers, I MUCH prefer John. I will see them if they ever make it to New Orleans.

Amen to that brother...

Spitz has been away from music since he left, and Joey is a has been. Back in the days I listened to Anthrax loving the music but always wondered why oh why they hired that Steve Perry wannabe. When Bush came on board, I was instantly hooked and became a huge fan.

It's back to square one for me :err: You can see how you could've cut the tension with a knife at the press conference. This whole thing just feels wrong, very wrong...
Chicago's April 30 gig will be my 96 overrall anthrax gig. I have seen them with both joey and john. I have loved both lineups. I will admit to being alittle biased towards joey as that lineup with it's quirkiness plus ability to thrash is what got me into the band. That isn't a knock against John, I have loved all the cds with him. I do think though that his vocals fit better with armored saint. Plus, I think it is great that he will get to enjoy the first year of his new baby. I know he won't get any sleep though right about now. o_O

I will say that if any publicity is good publicity, Anthrax is being spoken about the most I have seen since the late 80's.

I do think it is time for people to stop bitching against scott, charlie, john, joey, or dan. he hates him, they hated him. who cares. I am not their personal friends nor are they worried how I feel. I am a big fan yes, I love their cds but that is about it. Who really knows what scott might have said about joey or whatnot back when joey left band or when they contemplated the two singer tour? We take what we think we heard and with sites like blabbermouth just cutting and pasting things which everyone takes as news, who really knows what is said unless you are a direct friend who happened to be there at the time.

Otherwise, people are coming off sounding like little girls that go gaga over the backstreet boys.

Soon enough, we will start hearing people bitch for them to wear the goofy shorts they used to wear when joey was in band and others will say they look stupid if they wear it and they would rather see them wear the uniformed shirts they wore the last year or so with John. :loco:

either way, I will be anthrax fan till the end unless they change their musical style to some form of european polka music. o_O :Spin:
JOEY BELLADONNA IS METAL...I heard the greater of 2 evils...come on the music was great...but the vocals were weak...he couldnt even hit A.I.R. the right way! Butchered the classics. Caught in a mosh wasnt even great on the vocals...but like i said the music was fucking brilliant!
BelladonnaFan said:
JOEY BELLADONNA IS METAL...I heard the greater of 2 evils...come on the music was great...but the vocals were weak...he couldnt even hit A.I.R. the right way! Butchered the classics. Caught in a mosh wasnt even great on the vocals...but like i said the music was fucking brilliant!

Wake Up and Smell The Coffee!!!!

Its 2005!!!!

Do you think joey could cope with johns stuff!!!!............NOT A CHANCE!!!!

And if you think "Joey is Metal" ...You Cant get more Metal Than John!!!

Joeys about as Metal as Graham Norton!!!
I dig everything about Bush-era Anthrax, and my big thing is- is this permanent? Are John and Rob officially part of the past? If so, then i am truly dissappointed... I mean- let them have their reunion, but I'm really hoping that this is just a one off deal :erk:
uyininetyone said:
What I'd like to know is why are all of these newcomers merely registering just to bitch like the rest and rehash everything else that has already been complained about. Go the fuck away.

What a way to post my first message...
Are you sure that's the only reason we're registering? I'd actually registered before hearing about this. So, I will not be going "the fuck away" thank you.

My opinion about the reunion?
Hard to say. Quite surprising actually. I love both eras equally, so I have no complaints. I'm just wondering if its permanent....

I agree Hamrhed, I hope its just a one-off and not permanent.

I just want to know why. Why now, besides being a 20 year thing. I thought that 2004 was the best year they've had in years, so I don't get the timing of it....
I don't want it to be permanent either, and I'm all for people expressing elaborative and original opinions about their dissent to all of this, but I'm seeing too many just jumping on the "bash 'Prima'" bandwagon. It's like, chill out and wait it out.
uyininetyone said:
I don't want it to be permanent either, and I'm all for people expressing elaborative and original opinions about their dissent to all of this, but I'm seeing too many just jumping on the "bash 'Prima'" bandwagon. It's like, chill out and wait it out.

I agree totally. Keeping an open mind. And I will be going to see the show if they decide to include Las Vegas for once!
PJ175 said:
Fair Enough!!! Its all about opinions!!!.... And I respet Yours....

But after reading as much of this forum as I can. I feel.....That a lot of People are really pissed about this and they will show this by stopping at home.

Joeys not the singer he was.........And if you did see him you will also know he wasnt the best live around his last 2 tours.

Plus he looks like someones Grandmother!!! At the Minute!!


I can only speak for the show I saw, and Joey was pretty much bang on. On the old Anthrax material and his solo stuff. Plus he was playing drums at the same time!!! I don't care how much anyone hates his voice or whatever, playing drums and singing at the same time is fucking hard to do!!!
What is wrong with some of you? I'm guessing that many of you are simply too young to remember Anthrax when they were THRASH METAL! Although Anthrax never sold out quite like Metallica did, they did begin to "soften" and experiment a bit after Joey and Dan left. They started taking on a more alternative/grunge/rock-n-roll type of vibe. Now I don't have a thing against John Bush or any other Anthrax "replacements".......but let's face it...there's nothing like the ORIGINALS or classic lineups when you're a long time fan of a band! Bush can sing, no doubt about it.........but it's just the same with Anthrax as it is with other classic bands....
Sabbath is not Sabbath without Ozzy
Priest is not Priest without Halford.
Maiden is not Maiden without Dickinson.
I mean, come on...imagine Slayer without Tom Araya or Overkill without Bobby "Blitz"!
I'm also guessing that another reason a lot of you hate the idea of this reunion is that you've lost interest in, or never cared for the 80's style vocals.
I guess with all the Layne Staley / Kurt Cobain lovers of the 90's....and the MetalCore (no talent) barking of today's's just not "cool" to sing in the higher registers anymore! It's such a shame that so many of you feel such negativity about this reunion!

Many of you also say it's a money thing...well, personally....I don't give a rats ass if it's for the big "cash-in" or not! Who cares....either way, it's still a great opportunity to see/hear one of the best Metal bands, with the best line-up, playing the best songs of their career!! Why complain??
KilgoreSteve said:
What is wrong with some of you? I'm guessing that many of you are simply too young to remember Anthrax when they were THRASH METAL! Although Anthrax never sold out quite like Metallica did, they did begin to "soften" and experiment a bit after Joey and Dan left. They started taking on a more alternative/grunge/rock-n-roll type of vibe. Now I don't have a thing against John Bush or any other Anthrax "replacements".......but let's face it...there's nothing like the ORIGINALS or classic lineups when you're a long time fan of a band! Bush can sing, no doubt about it.........but it's just the same with Anthrax as it is with other classic bands....
Sabbath is not Sabbath without Ozzy
Priest is not Priest without Halford.
Maiden is not Maiden without Dickinson.
I mean, come on...imagine Slayer without Tom Araya or Overkill without Bobby "Blitz"!
I'm also guessing that another reason a lot of you hate the idea of this reunion is that you've lost interest in, or never cared for the 80's style vocals.
I guess with all the Layne Staley / Kurt Cobain lovers of the 90's....and the MetalCore (no talent) barking of today's's just not "cool" to sing in the higher registers anymore! It's such a shame that so many of you feel such negativity about this reunion!

Many of you also say it's a money thing...well, personally....I don't give a rats ass if it's for the big "cash-in" or not! Who cares....either way, it's still a great opportunity to see/hear one of the best Metal bands, with the best line-up, playing the best songs of their career!! Why complain??

uyininetyone said:
What I'd like to know is why are all of these newcomers merely registering just to bitch like the rest and rehash everything else that has already been complained about. Go the fuck away.

New people aren't logging on to bitch. New people are signing up because there interest in Anthrax has been rekindled.
tomass74 said:
New people aren't logging on to bitch. New people are signing up because there interest in Anthrax has been rekindled.

I'm speaking of the ones who signed up to bitch, not the ones like you and myself.
While we're bringing back old members and reliving past glories, can we bring in Neil Turbin and Dan Lilker, too?! :D
PJ175 said:
Do you think joey could cope with johns stuff!!!!............NOT A CHANCE!!!!

IMO he could.

[/QUOTE]And if you think "Joey is Metal" ...You Cant get more Metal Than John!!!

Really? I could easily.
First of all, I'm not a huge Anthrax fan (hence my first post here) but I am an avid metal fan that likes Anthrax (if you get my drift :erk: ). And if it matters, I was raised on old school thrash so I remember Anthrax "back in the day". Anyway, since I signed up on Ultimate Metal ages ago and just recently heard the news of this reunion, I thought I'd chip in my opinion.

When I bought WHCFYA, I was excited about Anthrax again because despite all the metal purist naysayers, it's fucking good album. Therefore, I was really looking forward to seeing what Anthrax could produce the next time.

Then TGOTE came out and although it sounds good and the band were playing well, I still felt "what's the point, the originals were fine". Nonetheless, I understood it was just a stepping stone to new material.

However, now I see it's a full band reunion with an associated tour. I read parts of the blurb on stating things like "it's going to be the classic line up with the classic songs" (or something like that). Now, don't get me wrong, the old songs are indeed classics but what's wrong with the new stuff? What was wrong with the last line up before this reunion? I've always got the impression that Scott and Charlie were the main creative force and that's why I've liked Anthrax throughout all their line-ups.

Therefore, for that reason, I just wish they'd move on instead of back. I'm sure they could have done something I'd have enjoyed with NEW material. It might not even have to be as Anthrax (I wonder if that was considered?). Although this may be cool as a nostalgic event, I hope this will blow over and they'll get on with writing new music. Maybe I didn't read the blurb fully and that's exactly what they'll do but I already have classic Anthrax, old and new, and it's been too long since we heard new stuff.

Either way, good luck to them because at least Anthrax have remained relevant for all this time when so many have fallen by the wayside.