The apogee of boozery

During which phase of your existence, did you drink the most?

  • When RC was at it's height. (Social recluse response)

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  • SxE

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  • Unemployed, face first in the gutter

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  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
During what phase of your life did you knock back the most alcohol laced concoctions? For myself personally it was towards the tail end of my senior year in high school. I picked up a cashier job at Six Flags theme park, where the majority of the staff were in their high school/ college years. Parties seemed to spring up nightly, debauchery ran like a river, and minimum wage felt like a king's ransom. I'm not even out of my twenties yet, and it feels as if I've reached the twilight of inebriation. Responsibility quells the spirit. :bah:

Credit for thread idea - Mr. Hill
During college, I drank quite often. Towards the tail end of it, whilst working a completely laid back job, my drinking was nearly out of control. Nearly 7 days a week, usually starting during work hours. Then usually ending up at a bar after the shift with a gaggle of cohorts to booze.

Nowadays my drinking is in spurts. I'll have the occasional beer or cocktail after work, and I'm usually ready at the drop of a dime if any chums wish to partake in some boozing.
I currently drink no more or no less that I ever have, which basically equates to getting good & drunk a few times a year. But that's it, I've never been interested in partying and/or drinking on a regular basis, guess I'm boring :tickled:
I voted for "Out of school, while holding down a laid back gig".

It was during my first time in Japan. The job was anything but laid back, and that's why I drank so much. These days I'm down to just a beer a night typically.
Probably these days. Atleast 6 beers a day... typically of the 7+ % microbrew variety. Costs a fuckload, but so damn enjoyable. High School was a pretty drunk phase too, but that was more of binge drinking cheap beer and cheap hard alcohol. I also smoked a lot more pot then (and then some).

Drunkest I ever got was during the high school years shortly after I moved to Utah. Taught a kid with extremely mormon parents why you don't let a couple people you met a few weeks prior into your house with a couple bottles of vodka. His basement did make an excellent water park though... as well as an excellent receptacle for my at the time girlfriends vomit after I taught her the meaning of binge drinking (I've never seen so much vomit come out of someone. Eventually there has to be nothing left to vomit up, but in her case... NO). The cops were totally not cool though, especially when puking uncontrollably trying to ride down cement stairs on a canoe powered by a garden hose.

Edit: My friend corrected me, it was the raft when the cops showed up... I threw the canoe into their backyard pond by that point. MY BAD.
Eric wins the thread.

Highschool was the most binge drinking (and pot), and after school I had a job (money) and time and could pick and choose, then I just drank regularly.
Now I go out most weekends, but don't always get drunk (a few beers), on the weekend at the festival I drank like a fish however (and smoked like a chimney). So I still do it once in a while... especially when the drinks and cheap (free)
Last semester. I didn't have much work, had senioritus, etc. Didn't get drunk, except for weekends. Drank a lot of homebrew.
Just don't die Jontecrator

College days for me, was pretty bad and often very fun but I'm glad I didn't keep that shit up because I'd probably be dead.
Now. Probably. Maybe. Well. I'm, pretty drunk right now. But ive been drinkknig fairly soliudly since about 214. xso high school years too. But now, I have a diluid job and incme so beer flows more reasily. im not fixing those spelling mistakes.