The "APPLAUSE" sign over the stage


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
I remembered this after seeing mention of an applause sign in another thread.

Most of you probably saw the "APPLAUSE" sign hanging unused over the stage at the venue. With a little planning, I think we can make this an integral part of the show next year by making it more appropriate. What are your suggestions?

I think we should replace "APPLAUSE" with "RAISE HORNS!" so that the crew could just push a button to have it light up rather than having singers need to shout "Raise those fucking horns!" a lot.

Hell, this was my 7th PPUSA & I just noticed it Friday while waiting for FK to hit the stage..and got a good laugh out of it.
metalprof said:
I remembered this after seeing mention of an applause sign in another thread.

Most of you probably saw the "APPLAUSE" sign hanging unused over the stage at the venue. With a little planning, I think we can make this an integral part of the show next year by making it more appropriate. What are your suggestions?

I think we should replace "APPLAUSE" with "RAISE HORNS!" so that the crew could just push a button to have it light up rather than having singers need to shout "Raise those fucking horns!" a lot.

Considering that the Earth Link Live venue seems to put no money into the place at all, this doesn't seem possible. It would be very cool, though. Maybe just have a sign with the horns on it, carried by a scantily clad babe just like in a boxing match.

I'd be happy if they paid the 3 bucks to spray paint over the main curtains to reflect the name change, instead of the duct-tape-fabric job that they did. Or put handles on the faucets in the men's bathroom. Not sure about you guys, but rather than having a guy hand me a towel, why don't they just stick toilet paper in the stall so I don't have to wipe with my shirt?

I get the impression that the place normally hosts rap concerts or teeny nu-metal bands where people just tear the place apart, so the owner just gives up trying to make it nice.
VenomGA said:
the applause sign has not been there previously.

From my understanding it has been there for a VERY long time. Turner used to own the venue, and they had newscasts there back in the day. One of the soundmen told me this, so I'm pretty sure it's true.... They just never took it down.... Kind of nostalgic I guess....

I've never noticed it before either. Strange how all of us noticed it at the same time. I wonder if it's been with the building for a long time but this was the first year it was actually installed above the stage. With all of us never having seen it before, I can't imagine it has been above the stage this whole time. LOL!
I also only noticed this year (and attended every pp in Atlanta)..
It's really weird that all of us would only notice it this year.. So it's either new or there was something covering it on the previous years..
Possibly. I remember looking at the ceiling at the other years (don't ask me why) but don't remember seeing the sign. Are you sure it's been there forever?
There is no way it was there in past PP because it was one of the first things I noticed when I walked in this year. And I don't remember it from years past.... Anyone have any Pictorial Evidence!!!?????:lol: