The Arcane Philosophy behind Dilating Pupils and Zero-Gravity Masochistic Plagarism


Pixel Manipulator
May 1, 2001
Vancouver, Canada

A lot has been said about the common bonds between Opethians and it certainly seems that most of us have some sense of the arts... there's a lot of members of bands here, a poet, a philosopher of sorts (or many, so it would seem), and probably far more creative disciplines... which is what this thread is about.

Most artists are multi-disciplined (or so is the theory I'm going to hope to prove here). Although some of the creative talents of many of you have been well-discussed... what other talents do you possess that have not?

I'm a multimedia producer by profession, which makes me a graphic artist, an audio/video editor, and a little bit of a programmer, but I'm also a photographer (I take a lot of moody, foggy/nighttime shots), a comedian/actor (I've been in plays and done stand-up comedy), a writer (wrote and produced a high school play, writing an "improv" comedy-novel I've mentioned before), a filmmaker (currently making a very cheesy low-budget film with my sony handicam), and I have a guitar I occaisionally like to make noises come from. What sort of creative projects are you, from time to time, engaged in?
wow Hower... i'm impressed... I love graphics too (and I like your logo for Thales.. its cool..)... thats why I'm doing my own band graphics at the moment (tell me what you think when I finished ok? need an experts opinion, lol). I used to be (and still am) quite good at drawing... so its a natural progression. But since I am by Sun a Cancer and by Moon a Leo (a creature of the volatile water and fire) my primary vent for emotion is music because it can invoke and express emotions that the word or the image cannot.... Its a very powerful language... In that project I do vocals and industrial.

Apart from that I'm into evolution in a very big way. I have my own plan devised for lucidity(if you'd like to hear about I can discuss... and you can discuss yours too if you're not one of those that stumbles thru life blindly.. that would be real cool to talk about).... I'm into metaphysics and psychology, alchemy and the finding of the prima materia, pure energy theory, energy manipulation, high magick, low magick, achromancy, working with elementals and so on. Though lately I've been busy with my studying and the music.

Also I'm working to be a network engineer.... it pays heaps and I'm doing it to finance my main dream... which is music.

I used to be a sponsored skater (skateboarding)... no more though.... music has taken over... he heheh....

thats it kinda for now.... I'm into lots of other stuff because I'm always open.... so do suggest things.... :)

ps: Hoser, I've always found acting an attraction because its the art of lying. The perfection of lying thru your teeth and not showing them. Its a very useful tool when wearing that 'mask' we talked about in your thoughts about 'the masquerade'.
Acting I always had a natural aptitude for... I've found that acting more so than anything requires the ability to be comfortable making an ass of oneself and throwing your neck on the line and improvising and enjoying it. The ability to be able to decide I'm going to walk into a restauraunt and speak entirely in a bad british accent and convince my waitress that I'M convinced microscopic ants are marching all over my food and make a big scene is basically the same thing, and so thoroughly entertaining... (the masquerade)... and I'm a Scorpio, too, which apparently, according to a big astrology buff friend of mine, basically gives me license to be an asshole for my own amusement. I like that.

The Thales logo as posted on (thank you very much, by the way) would probably look better if the white on black version was up, which Orchid is in the process of doing and I'm sure he'll be along shortly to complain at what a bitch apparently is. I think there's some photos of mine going up there soon... Interestingly enough, I also used to draw a little bit as a preadolescent but pretty much lost interest in it altogether. I actually didn't even get interested in graphic design until I was in Grade 12 and I took a class that put me in front of a copy of Photoshop. We bonded immediately, Photoshop and I... and from there went off to learn about multimedia.

Send me what you have going for your logo as soon as you have something you feel comfortable presenting... you can get me at I'd love to see it and I'll certainly be happy to attempt some helpful constructive criticism.

As for your career plans... hey. Make lots of money doing something that's not too intolerable so you can do somethng you truly love. That's the way to do it.

"Plan for Lucidity" (planning to be rational? clear and understandable? There's something I'm missing here...) If I'm familiar with the concept you're referring to then I've never heard it in such terms. I would like to ask you to discuss it, though, as it a) sounds fascinating and b) I perpetually seek knowledge.

My creative suggestion: I'm pretty high on photography, at the moment, actually. I enjoy creating an image from nothing with the press of a button... and almost any picture you take (no matter how seemingly useless at first) can, if nothing else, become pixel data fodder for photoshop creations. Take weird photos then use them like paint to make collage-type stuff (have you any experience with photoshop?).

"The humorousness of an Archie comic is inversely proportional to your age and/or intelligence."
Yes, is a bitch..

Anyways, since I'm liable to think I have a fair share of intelligence bestowed upon me, I've found everything I've put my mind into easy to accomplish. My main thing has always been music, and I've fairly easily picked up the art of playing different instruments, like piano, recorder, drums, guitar (in chronoligical order).

Trying to do any kind of craft of hand (such as drawing) has resulted in horrible sights of what must be the parallactic hell to our reality, so I've judged it best not to tempt fate. I'll contend to expressing myself through music.

I have also been interested in writing, but due to my impulsive character I have never even gotten properly started when I'm already nipples hard for some other project. Thinking and extensive, pondering discussions are really cool, though. And maybe one day I'll focus my attention enough so I'll finally learn the programming languages I've dabbled with (I'm pretty comfortable with computers in general, both hard- and software).
How about Dungeon Mastering, does that count?
In that case I have another talent.

I have a talent for languages.
I don't know many languages, but I have a good ear for them, and I can distinguish Latin from Italian from Spanish from French from Dutch from English from German... etc

I have a talent for maths, logic and numbers.

What else? I have so many talents....
Uhhh...YES! Black metal parody, that was the whole point!

Heh. No, actually, I just always wanted to make a thread with a really surreal-sounding, out-there, completely unrelated to the actual topic-type title, just because that's something I would do, ya know?

Although, come to think of it, imagine making up a mock Black Metal band and doing a parody album (much akin to what Devin Townsend's Punky Bruster did regarding punk)? That could be hilarious...

With lyrics like "Darkness swept me in pure evil, as evil as I am evil, oh yes, spake my evil soul, very very dark and evil. Thou art so evil it said, a virtual plethora of evil, as it were. I evilly thanked it because I am evil. REALLY REALLY EVIL. Evil I am! Evil! Burn a church and piss on your grave evil! Rip your arm off and beat you with it evil! Paint my face Evil! Leave less than a 10% tip evil! 100% PURE Black Metal Evil! EVIL!"
Hey Hoser..

(tis a quick note cause I'm actually studying for my exams at the moment.. so bear with me...)

Acting Acting acting... yes yes yes... ha ha haaarrr... :D Me and a group of friends used to practice the sacred art when we used to go to these raves in the Forest.. (our State Forests here which are very beautiful.. full o ferns etc..) We used to approach cunts that where trippin off their dial and had lost the plot... I'd go up to em and pretend I was some kind of investigative conspiracist and say 'The horsies are flying with the cheese and the beermugs and they're looking for 12 different heads, is one of them yours?'... and they'd totally loose the plot and I'd laugh off my fuckin tits! :)
My friends would hide in a bush behind me and see where I'd take the scenario... My other mate (when it was his turn) he'd go up to someone else who's had too much acid and start talking a language that sounded like english but wasn't english... and do the whole homosexual-alien thing... or pretend he was some other kind of person.. and make the people that have lost it loose it even more. Then I'd join in and say 'yeah yeah I get yeah'... and start talking to my friend and that would freak the person out even more cause they thought they where tripping really hard and couldn't understand.. then I'd start talking in the pseudo english and thats when the fun started... he heh... very cruel... but fun acting experience. Thats as far as I've gone involving the spontaneous acting.

And hey thanx for wanting to look at it when my logo is done.. nearly there though.. :)

Orchid: will send you your review soon.... just that I've got a couple exams coming up so its kinda hard to concentrate on anything else... I hope you understand...

and sure thing will love to discuss the issues of lucidity... refering to clear vision... evolution... in that kind of sense.

I actually done a tek course where we had to use adobe to make web pages etc... that program kicks... But I prefer freehand drawing. which is a hellov a lot harder I think. Though with photography its a really useful tool to coelesce the images into one.

ps: LOL @ Hoser.... hey man ya forgot something.....
"The devils piss on your face .. EVILh... [dani filth scream]"

pps: anyone heard 'Unbodied of Dusk' by The Filth? ONE extremely raping track... very rare bitch to find too. Tell me what ya think.


see ya everybody for a little while {a week}... wish me luck on these crappy exams..
Originally posted by HoserHellspawn
Although, come to think of it, imagine making up a mock Black Metal band and doing a parody album (much akin to what Devin Townsend's Punky Bruster did regarding punk)? That could be hilarious...

Well. I've heard this would be worth checking out, but I think only finns can understand it completely. Still, you might wanna try :
Although, come to think of it, imagine making up a mock Black Metal band and doing a parody album (much akin to what Devin Townsend's Punky Bruster did regarding punk)? That could be hilarious...
that's exactly what i'm doing with a couple of my friends, although some of the humor could only be understood be israelis, or maybe just by us, i have no idea.......
I am a musician, a philosopher, a writer, and an actor.

First and formost though, I am a musician. I play guitar, bass, keyboard, and I'm learning how to play drums. I've been in about 4 different bands, each playing different types of music, and I write in 3 different main genre's, depending on my mood.

I call myself a philosopher, because I believe that bullshitting is an art! I can sit in a coffee house and run circles around many people that I know (although, I still get my ass handed to me by a couple, including my father...bastards and their PhDs...).

I write poetry, lyrics, stories, and of course the obligatory D&D quests!! DMing is also an art, but I think someone else said that! ;)

I act as well, but I dont' need to say much about that. It helps on stage when Dumah is playing though!!!

@those who said they would give criticism: Bastards, I haven't heard from you yet! ;) :p :cry:
Uhm. I do music (composing, playing, listening!), art(drawing, designing), writing (poetry, monologues, portraits, short stuff), languages (translating, speaking), logic(math, spatial stuff, fun stuff, can anyone tell me how many seconds one metre is?), thinking(philosophy, theology, ideology).

What I'm not very good at: self-dicipline, motivation.

Subsequently, I do a little of lots of things.
This is from the link Windom recommended under the "band history" section:

"In 1994 a comeback demo was planned, and Greifi Kyrvänkatkoja joined to do the vocals, and Eukalyptika recruited Prince Diabolicum Mystinen Hahmo Äkkikuoleman Historiassa to play bass. They tried to rehearse between fights but ended up in the hospital. This period was the most destructive within the band, as the band mostly fought among themselves. Totaaliteurastaja was often missing in the forest and was once found in a cave in the middle of the night, banging bloody bearskulls with fleshy bearbones. ...The final chapter concerns the THE TRUE ÄKKIKUOLEMA, an attempt by Greifi Kyrvänkatkoja, Pimeyden Nekroteurastaja and Eukalyptika to create true unholy holocaust. The Ympärileikkaaja was also part of the roster, but unfortunately died during rehearsals. Eukalyptika was not seen or heard of, so Murhakuu filled in. What came of this session was a tape titled "Armacaust Hologeddon", recorded in September 1998. THE TRUE ÄKKIKUOLEMA split up after this, because they knew that continuing would produce only trendy shit. With this tape they decided to put the "darkness" in the "necrometal of darkness", and that can be achieved only once in a lifetime."

heheheheh. Not bad.
Though you don't know me, I'll toss in my piece...

I'm a photographer, not professional (yet) but striving. I do portraits and landscapes, and work with 35mm, 120 (6x6cm) and 4x5 inch film. Each of which requires a different technique, etc.

I have a film background, being a recent film school graduate. I'm trying to work in that field, but finding a real job like that is hard. Damn hard.

I play guitar, when I get the chance. I didn't bring my amp with me when I moved out east (from NW Ontario..), so I'm stuck with a silent guitar, basically.

I watch a *lot* of movies. I try to avoid hollywood crap and go for foreign, independent, low budget, or basically GOOD film.

I DID act a lot in my teens, but only once (one-act play festival) recently. Love the stage.

Yeeeee, that's all I can think of about me. Hope to become a somewhat more frequently posting Opethian..
An Electronic Engineer / Computer Scientist (currently in 3rd year of training) by profession, and an avid fan of anything artistic in leisure. This however does not mean that art is not incorporated into my university work, whenever the opportunity is available (I bow to you Xtokalon) and similarly, the ways of the Scientist / Engineer impact on me artistically. I love literature, philosophy, film and music, although regarding the latter I have very little creative power because I am yet to learn any musical instrument; which makes me seem something of an exception on this forum!

What I do creatively enjoy is recording what I am currently thinking about, writing in many different forms and discussing heavy issues with nothing spared. I am also interested in making a film or documentary, of which I do not yet have the means or the inspiration to undertake. These things are not grand and profound, just artistic aspects that are important to me.
Wow. Whoever says that metal lovers are just raging maniacs that have no culture are dead wrong. There's far more integerity on this messageboard than alot of others I could name. Muscians, poets, actors, philosophers, computer technicians.
We rule ...
Most of the metalheads I know are very nice people, and with many interests.
I think that metal needs openmindedness to be understood and appreciated, and not necessarily rage and violence.
I chose metal for it means Catharsis to me.
I'm into every branch of science (being an engineer) and I love music (not only metal), poetry, theatre, nature.
My only real dislike concerns humanity and manhood...

...In solitude I wander...