The Arrival


Feb 8, 2005
Arlington Heights, Illinois. USA
This album did nothing for me. Only one really good song, "The Departure". Everything else just bored me. IMO it is their worst album by far. That's just me though. Feel free to share your thoughts. I like to read them:)
What is your favorite? Mine is "Virus". I have been listening to Hypocrisy since 1997 and so far this is the best material that I think they have put out. And good Lord, Horgh is a human drum machine. Eat your heart out Hogland.
I loved Catch 22. That was when I was in the "Hypocrisy can do no wrong" period. As soon as I heard "The Arrival" I jumped out of that stage pretty quickly. But man o man did "Virus" kick my ass back into that stage.
The Fourth Dimension, then maybe Destroys Wacken if that counts as a real album, then Virus, The Final Chapter, Osculum, Penetralia, ST, Abducted, Into the Abyss, Catch 22, The Arrival. 10 years of chaos some where in the top, those re-recordings are awesome.

It really is too hard to decide what I like better than others though, they're pretty much all too good.
bah the arrival rocks IMO

ok not the best, not even one of the 3 bests

but still, 5 or 6ths best album for Hypocrisy remains a masterpiece :p

I agree THE DEPARTURE is the best song on the album, it makes my top 5
War within fucking ownz if you ask me, as well as born dead buried alive
Heh, The Departed might be my least favorite song off that album, of which I like most of the songs on. Probably my 4th or 5th favorite Hypocrisy album.
For me,Arrival is the album I have listened the most....amog S/T and Catch22...that's my 3 favorit in their 'new era'..I consider 'new era hypocrisy' to be after the Final Chapter album...and between trio The Fourth DImension,Abducted and Final Chapter I just can't find the winner...every of them is masterpiece...b.t.w,I've never got into first 2 albums...well,I hate satanistic shits in songs just that they sound more evil...well,I hate any religion,I am 100% atheist but satanistic thematics in music always bored the shit out of me...
The Arrival is one of the best albums from Hypocrisy! Just watch the DVD included with the Virus album and you should see why!! It always sounds better live than just listening to the CD!!!!! HYPOCRISY RULES!!!!