The Atheist Delusion


ok, now serious:
there are 2 kinds of people:
1. the ones who see god as a person, materialized and with a concience
2. the ones who think like me and believe that god is an entity, a force

this vid is only for the ones of category number 1
no, not really, this may be hard to understand but I'll jsut give my point of view:
As a Satanist ppl don't think that I believe in god but that's wrong. We do believe in him but not as the creator of all living things, he/it is just the balance with the dark force of nature (what we understand as Satan). He/it doesn't really exist, he/it just IS. An entity we can't begin to describe just like the force of nature. Some call him love, some call him something else. But what he really is, is the relation between every living thing, just like Satan is too. If any of the two would be missing, there would be no relationships of any kind because every relation is based on feelings, thoughts, etc. from one to the other. And without them there would be no balance between those causing the relation to break down.
We can actually call god whatever we want and create this whole illusion around him but we can't change what he/it is exactly nor can our minds comprehend it, we always try to explain but we can't so we give a certain image (the illusion) to him in hopes that it will be generally excepted.
So I hope all of you understand that it's not material, it's just an entity that we cannot possibly comprehend, only interpret
not everything can be solved with sience that why ppl created god in the first place. People have always felt to need to comprehend everything and when they can't, they found a way that they could (god)
I disagree. I feel it's not that people cannot explain some things with science, but that they don't know how to yet, or have just not come across the answer. I.E. for instance, in the last 100 years, think of all the advancements that have been made in science, and medicine. As time goes on we constantly learn about ourselves, physics, etc.
I understand why some people would create a God to answer the unknown, but maybe the unknown had just not been discovered yet.
Just a thought.
true but do really think we will one day know everything? I don't.

for example concience, I doubt we will ever know what's in the deepest of our minds. I know that psychiatrists try and can dig in our memory but I doubt that they will ever get to the very essance of the mind.

Also the big bang. We know it was there but what triggered it? How did the atoms start being in the universe? etc.
I am a catholic...but someone shut this guy the fuck up.

Bible, Bible and bible but he forgets to mention that roman pegans put togather the bible(based of off what i belive are true storys)

and he censers the dick on the guy. haha
I will always refer to myself as an athiest, and I follow no one but myself. I could easily call myself a Satanist but to be honest I disagree with using that term strictly through a metaphorical sense as most do.
Yes I know and I agree with many things in Satanism...but if a person is an atheist, why not just call themself an athiest rather than a (metaphorical) Satanist?

Moreso, it bothers me because you will have 15 yr old kids who read the Satanic Bible and claim and to be a Satanist because they share some ideology (as many would do anyways whether or not they realize it) and it just comes off as "hey, look at me, I am a Satanist!" I'm a fan of some bands, and I see this all the time. The term athiest is more "open" I feel and less of a label.
because the slight diffrence between Aheïsts and Satanist is actually explained in the first post of this page (if this post isn't shown on another page). Atheists believe in nothing at all.

those kids really aren't Satanists cuz they aren't adulted enough to make their own opinion and views on various subjects. They just want to act cool but most of them really don't even know who wrote the Satanic bible. Also if you ask the meaning of one of the 9 statements, they don't know so they're just kind of posers and above that, they're everything except open minded
*gah my reply didn’t post was erased! re-typing...*

anyways...I am aware of some differences between Atheists and Satanists but to be honest, there isn't all that much different at least in my opinion. Atheists are atheists for a reason so there's obviously more to one than just rejecting, and not believing in anything, as in why one would feel this way. Satanists mainly use religion in a metaphorical sense (explanations to which many atheists agree with) but I find ironic because Satanism isn't exactly a ‘religion’ or at least in a traditional sense. The term Satanist is a borrowed one, and to have a following and set of beliefs again I feel is ironic because of what Satanism stands for.
Very true, the only big diffrence is that we (or at least I) still believe in Satan and God as a force.
The term satanist is just used because it was supposed to be the oppossition of christianity and therefor they picked the opposite of god (Satan that is) and now we're stuck with that name. alot of ppl judge satanism the wrong way. they don't know what it's about
Atheists believe in nothing at all.
I think atheism is more about believing in what can be proven, no?
This whole luciferian approach, leading mankind away from god and towards their own nature, that may have been a valuable approach in seventeenhundred-something, but today we're way past that. People can already freely choose what to believe in, and most people have adapted the humanist side of satanism anyway. It's a natural reaction to hit someone back who hits you, or be angry at someone who trespasses on your property. I fail to see why today we would need the whole ideology stuff that comes with it.