The Atlanta "cookout"


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Some of the ProgPower USA patrons as well as a "special guest" who is a former ProgPower performing artist, Urban Breed (vocalist of Tad Morose) attended a small cookout in Atlanta. We had a pretty good time and ate a nice dinner of shiskabobs etc. thanks to our lovely hostess, Kim. Here are some pics from the cookout.

The gang..... from left to right.. Denny ? Kim (our hostess,) Linda, Harumi and Koji, Ryan, Freak, your's truly, Urban.


Urban and yours truly.....


SHowing my ass..... as usual. :D


Urban and Koji


Mommy watching daddy feed the boy


Last one of "the gang" (after I had to leave so I could get back to Alabama for work :yell: )


Great pics Bryant...Damn, we have to plann an UMOS gathering once... You know some people keep that in mind allways, I'm sure somewhere in future it could happen !!!
BTW, strange Urban pops up here, just played the TM CD in the car when we came home from the UFO gig :headbang:
carnut said:
Great pics Bryant...Damn, we have to plann an UMOS gathering once... You know some people keep that in mind allways, I'm sure somewhere in future it could happen !!!
BTW, strange Urban pops up here, just played the TM CD in the car when we came home from the UFO gig :headbang:

Urban and Shaye (Southern Belle from Atlanta and a friend of mine for 15 years or so) are engaged. He was down here spending some time with her as well as visiting some fans/friends and taking care of some business.

As far as the UMOS gathering I am all for it. Finding a suitable place is the problem. Atlanta works for me though. Hopefully, people will be more enamoured with next year's Prog Power lineup and we can have a UMOS gathering there. It's an atmosphere like no other. I would really like to meet all of you guys in person.

alright, since im kind of new around here, do i get a vote? :p (If I do) I would say anywhere that anybody wants, i would hopefully get to go. (seeing as last summer my sister got to go to Poland, Sweden, and Italy). I would love to meet you all, because you guys are like my "internet home" :Smug: but yeah, i say im all for it :headbang:
Wicked Child said:
I'd kill to have a UMOS gathering, but my problem is that i have no income of my own, so no money to travel.

dude, next time I head to sourthern Cali I will get in touch prior...
I was down there a few weeks ago & KittyB & Pabla were at Soilwork show the night after I saw them in Anahiem... I could have hung out with some UMOS members! And I was also in San Diego, which is near your area, if I recall...
There's a chance. I think there's a House of Blues going up in San Diego, if I recall, more chances for catching a gig there or two...
sixxswine said:
dude, next time I head to sourthern Cali I will get in touch prior...
I was down there a few weeks ago & KittyB & Pabla were at Soilwork show the night after I saw them in Anahiem... I could have hung out with some UMOS members! And I was also in San Diego, which is near your area, if I recall...
There's a chance. I think there's a House of Blues going up in San Diego, if I recall, more chances for catching a gig there or two...

Yeh, there is a House of Blues opening here very soon. That'd be killer to have a little west coast UMOS meeting. Name the time, and place and i will be there!:headbang:
Great to see you are having a great time! I would love to come to Atlanta or Alabama to have a UMOS gathering. That would be very cool!!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
You should switch to the ass photo for your avatar, Bryant! It shows you're better side. :lol:

Seriously though, I am so jealous. Partying with Urban Breed. Now there's a treasure you can take with you to the grave. Ride high and enjoy my friend.

I suppose partying with someone I admire as a vocalist/frontman/songwriter is a very cool thing indeed. It is a treasure. I am a big fan of Tad Morose and Urban.

Hanging out with Urban the person overlooking his occupation is just as much of a treasure though. Urban Breed (his real name btw) is a great guy and if he washed cars for a living, I would enjoy his company just as much. He's a regular guy... he just has a cool job (with bad hours) and a great deal of skills in his work.

Hawk said:
Great to see you are having a great time! I would love to come to Atlanta or Alabama to have a UMOS gathering. That would be very cool!!

Not much in Alabama, but it is a beautiful place to see if you like nature as opposed to partying with metal-heads.

SavaRon said:
Cool pics, looks like you guys had a great time. Congrats to Urban and Shaye!

Yeah I will shed a tear at the wedding. I have known Shaye about half her life. She's like a little sister. Metal guru or not ( guru in my ears,) I'll kick Urban's ass if he is bad to her. :loco:
