The attack of the trolls

Profånity said:
Who are the other posters?

Darkness Eternal, MetalMeshuggahMan, MightyA.
Some kind of "warfare" on the COB board, yawn.... Could it be that they thought admins won't read this nonsence and then ban them? :lol: Idiots! :lol: These to tarts will get the boot though. MagSec shows up in the beginning of next week. These guys will probably be removed on IP as well. Won't get in to details, they just fish for anger. I've reported them to UM.

*yawns as fools are expelled from UM*
hehe, yep... I read that thread a while ago and wondered how long it would take until it would get noticed here... :)
Mammoth said:
Får man anta att du inte är med på den här skiten då Johanna? :erk:
öhhhhhhh, varför SKULLE jag vara med i den här skiten? :err: jag har väl inte gjort nått... :err:
well, if they're trolling the forum to create a forumwar, we don't even need to fight back to see some damage


lol she (or he?) is a total disaster, if people in australia look like that I can only thank god that they live on an island at the end of the world. Just keep those creatures away from our lands...
I didn't come here because of some lame ass forum war, I came here to have a little laugh at the expense of a small minority of CoB fans. I severely doubt I'll get banned from UM for a couple of jokey posts. Even if I do, it'd probably be worth it for your reactions.

Do what other forums do: when trolls fish, don't bite ;)