The attack of the trolls

Mammoth said:
Could it be that they thought admins won't read this nonsence and then ban them? :lol: Idiots! :lol: These to tarts (I especially liked that one!) will get the boot though. MagSec shows up in the beginning of next week. These guys will probably be removed on IP as well. Won't get in to details, they just fish for anger. I've reported them to UM.

*yawns as fools are expelled from UM*

Arrogancy, crap grammar, gullibility and childish insults in one short post. Top notch! :worship:
random_phil said:
What else did you expect?

I honestly don't know. Sure, I've heard your warnings about the extreme stupidity being shown in the CoB forum, but to be frank, I didn't quite believe that it could be so bad. Until reading this thread. Oh well.
Its called a typo bro, get over it.

I thought you were ok from the bloodstock board but you're obviously just as big an ass as the other poeple that are being pricks, calling us assholes yet come here to start fights, its a motherfucking forum guys, get used to it.
Don't you guys know that WE - Bodom Fans, called by others elitist and stupid are community of love and friendship, we dont know what hate is, so I dont know why you all want us to breed hate towards you, even though you are worse, on lower social level. We accept that you are far from being perfect, we feel very sorry for Terry, who became the victim of that cruel forum war, we are aware of that we destroyed his mentality and made him probably a transvestite... but YOU FUCKED WITH US!!!!! SO FUCK YOU!!!!!!! YOU'RE BETTER OFF DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, and I don't give a fuck if you hate me :loco:
He has a point, other than when crotchgoblins such as yourselves come here and make stupid posts, there is never any arguments here as we all get along, its like a fucking community and if people here worship alexi, maybe thats cause the man has a fuckload talent more than a lot of other bands, you may not believe that, but people (including myself) Do.
Now i;m not saying hes the best but i am saying that we respect the man and we show our apreciation by buying Bodom CDs and keeping true amongst other bodom fans.

And you know what guys? I dont give a fuck if you have me but i do give a fuck when people come round and ruin what otherwise is a good palce to visit when i am online.