The Axis artworks


blunt fanfare trauma
Oct 24, 2003
Visit site

Who finds/creates the artwork for the band? Empty hospitals and abandoned factories have a lot of charm,but it's another thing to look at them than to be standing inside of one
in the middle of the night with one too many an odd noise emanating from somewhere close by. Anyway, do you guys search out these places or is it all digital based from a photographic image?

Those themes release very good atmospheric landscapes.

By the way, while I'm inquiring, is there any idea how Axis plans to progress the sound of the band? it seems that you're on a steady path towards an black industrial ambient direction, which would make sense at this point in time. or will this depend on the where the mind is wandering when Axis begins writing again?

Sorry to be so bothersome, but you guys do front one of the top extreme metal bands these days, and a reputation inevitably builds from that talent.

Go where you please, so long as it remains to haunt the soul.
Well currently we have to work primarily from source pictures, but we've starting finding several fans who are regulars of the urban infiltration community so in the future we're interested in having fans wandering around abandoned buildings, taking pics while listening to Axis, which might give the source material an extra edge, I don't know. We have various locations around Middlesbrough that we find particularly inspirational, but we haven't really indulged much in the exploration ourselves.

A decent rule of thumb when talking about the future Axis direction is simply to take the formula of the most recent cd and make it more detailed, expansive and cinematic. We ourselves have a lot more idea than this and various things in the works, but that's all anyone else needs to know for the time being.

Thanks for the compliments on t eart, its something we think is overlooked in a lot of bands so we like to put extra care into ours so it all fits together. The art is all made from photographs that we have maniplated ourselves some taken by us others from free galleries on the web, we seem to be gathering some fans in the Urban Exploration scene so the next album is probobly going to have art work wherethe source pictures and may be some sounds as well are contributed by fans.

As regrads the next album, well we have learned not to actualy 'plan' anything as such as inevitably this goes horribly wrong, so we now just let things wonder as they will. With the latest album we knew the location was a hospital and as soon as that was settled things accumulated around that, we pretty know the location of the next album but as where in the early stages of accumulation its too early to say anything all that is know is it will be more axis than the last one, the phrase traveling down would be appropriate here i think ;)

At the moment im working on the first release of my other band Mine[Thorn] and preparing for the possible first Axis live experiences so the next cd isnt likely to start growing untill mid next year.
any updates will more than likely apear at the web site though should anything change;
Interesting. What sort of sounds would you have your fans find for you? Any sort of droning echo foud near railway stations and highways, or the ominous sounds of factory clamour? Perhaps it's unfair that I suggest those, because you guys may have totally unique idea for the next record that go beyond the traditional aesthetic of the industrial sound. Although I do love old school industrial sounds. A lot of Cold Meat Industry have good sounds like that, as well as early SPK, Throbbing Gristle. Neubauten too, but they've transcended that era in the eighties of nihilistic Industrial power noise. (I feel gay for combining those words together) I think those names have come up before on this board. Well, no damage on repating them, I feel they're well worth getting into.

When you wrote "know is it will be more axis than the last one, the phrase traveling down would be appropriate here i think ;)" ,what exactly did that mean? A return to a more dissonant and brutal form? Your cohort Myklon suggests more detailed and cinematic routes. Perhaps I'm just over analyzing. Anyway, maybe these relentless questions would be better suited for the Axis board.

Well, here's luck on the Mine[Thorn] project, something else to anticipate this year. I hope it all goes well in the studio for you.
Tetsuo unit said:
we seem to be gathering some fans in the Urban Exploration scene so the next album is probobly going to have art work wherethe source pictures and may be some sounds as well are contributed by fans.

I think thats a cool idea

I love the source pictures of the latest album
urban and industrial degradation is asthetically pleasing to me
I can spend hours photographing crumbling buildings
I need to get access to some more industrial places though

you should check out this guys stuff
he's a pilot who zips around the world

some amazing work on there
By further down, we mean quite simply further down into the dark. The protagonist reaches the centre of the transition hospital, and you hear a final descent at the very end of the album. Where was he going...?
unhinged said:
I think thats a cool idea

I love the source pictures of the latest album
urban and industrial degradation is asthetically pleasing to me
I can spend hours photographing crumbling buildings
I need to get access to some more industrial places though

you should check out this guys stuff
he's a pilot who zips around the world

some amazing work on there

Yeah that site is awsome, i was on there for hours when i first found it.

Idealy what we would like is for some one much braver than us to take LCD whilst listening to our work in the dark in some Axis-esque environment and record on any medium available the out come i think that would be pretty interesting.
So you're hoping to exploit a very brave and dumb person into taking halucinogens in a very dark and crumbling hospital/factory and record themsevles going mad on tape?


On second thought, I'd like to hear that too. :Spin:

Wait, how about the Axis guys (with supervision of course, we can't have you offing each other in your projected horror in those places) record their next album in a quasi live setting in one of those places while struggling through a nasty trip? I would probably raise that album high above all others if it were successfully recorded, mixed, and released. Hospital visitations mandatory.

Anyhow, those places are probably mind warping enough at dusk without drugs.

Tetsuo unit said:
Yeah that site is awsome, i was on there for hours when i first found it.

Idealy what we would like is for some one much braver than us to take LCD whilst listening to our work in the dark in some Axis-esque environment and record on any medium available the out come i think that would be pretty interesting.