the band i'm mixing

MegaThanxx James! ;)
Just one thing to say:

Sounds killer! :OMG: Holy shit!
I dig the way to mixed the bass, very clear. I thought you will do some sneapesque sounds but you 've got your own style for sure. Very original and powerful.
Great job.
Wow, looking at this with winamp's little aesthetic 'spectrum analyzer' it seems like a huge amount of the highs were rolled off. It also sounds a bit like it's lacking brightness, but apart from that, all is tight and good.
no lack of highs in that mix man... Winamp's "analyzer" amounts to pretty lights. alternately you might compare it to cd's you know well. it's actually nicely balanced across the spectrum, imo.
martyfireball said:
Top job James. I love the snare - what's the signal route and processing you used on it.
i didn't record The Hinderers track.. just mixed it, but i did record Ovum and another track on the CD, Doghouse, because they were both played by a guest drummer: Kevin Talley of Chimaira. i was asked to bring my mobile rig to cleveland to record his tracks (a pic showing overhead positions was posted in a previous thread). on the two drum tracks i recorded, one of which is the track Ovum (still available for download here: ) the snare chain was SM57 > Presonus Eureka > Motu 828mk2. i used the compressor in the Eureka but the EQ was bypassed. during the mix i blended in a sample that i've had for a while which is named simply, "snare 3", and compressed with 1176 and EQ'd a bit. one thing that can't be stressed enough though is that Kevin hit his drums like a man... very important.


the first rack tom was not used so i just put a peice of foam on it, both for keeping it from resonating and as a visual que to keep Kevin from forgetting we weren't using it. used another piece of the auralex foam on the snare mic to keep some hat out of it.... worked quite well. the rack toms are mic'd with e609's and the floor tom with a 421.. not optimal placement under that ride there but i had limited space to set up mics, not many stands, and limited time to get the recording done, so i was stuck with it.


my little mobile rig.. the octapre (owned by one of Daath's masterminds, Eyal) was used for all other drums and cymbals except for snare and was banged into the 828 via lightpipe.


Daath lead guitarist Emil is the man responsible for the blistering solo in The Hinderers.

once again, to listen to the tracks you need iTunes or a recent Winamp version. iTunes for PC is free at:

Good work James!!! Kevin's a hard hitting Mother on them drums. I had an Octopre :confused: sold it (needed cash at the time, and selling a guitar is not an option!)

'Ovum' just KILLS!Great work. Just goes to show what can be done with a D.A.W. and someone who knows how to use it!!! \m/

P.S. thanks for the Kick tips. Has help tremendously!
Even more impressed when I see how you did it. So, are these auralex pads worth the cash?
Were you monitoring in the same room as the drums? (!)
~BURNY~ said:
Even more impressed when I see how you did it. So, are these auralex pads worth the cash?
Were you monitoring in the same room as the drums? (!)
yeah, i think those auralex pads work well... i recorded a bit with and without and there was significantly less hat in the snare tracks with the pad in place.

we monitored only with headphones while tracking.. the speakers were strictly for playback afterwards.
Ok, listened to the tracks a few times and I think that Ovum is a killer track, sounds like mix of Arch Enemy, "the Gathering" Testament and a dash of Nevermore. Nice tight sound!!! The rythem guitars sound fat as! and drums have a great punch to them.

The Second track Hinderers, was very different and coulds have been another band! Still I like it very much but not as much as the first, not sure why I will think about it over the weekend.

James I thnk you have out Sneaped the Sneap on Ovum!!! hahahaha
thanks... i've actually been spending a good part of today fixing some problems that have been bothering me in those two mixes.. then we're off to a metal radio station tonight to debut them (plus one more) on the radio and shoot the shit on the air.
James Murphy said:
thanks... i've actually been spending a good part of today fixing some problems that have been bothering me in those two mixes.. then we're off to a metal radio station tonight to debut them (plus one more) on the radio and shoot the shit on the air.
