The Band Name Game


I will check them out ! That's great that you're moving ! No more crappy water , eh ? Wish I could say that ... looks like I'm stuck here for awhile .

Well I wish you the best of luck ;) I'd love to travel there sometime , never really been anywhere and I'm rather tired of the U.S.
Damn Y .. :p Yattering , The

Thanx :) I've heard it's nice , too .. I'd sure love to get out of the friggin' states . I really don't like what our president is doing ... I don't feel safe anymore .

Oh I'm not the only one , believe me :cool: Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it .. so we have to live in fear of a fucking bomb being dropped on our heads . I would like to go anywhere but here , I think :p

Been great talking to you , but I need to get some sleep ... see you around then ? :wave: