The Battle of San Bernardino


Mar 10, 2012
Mother of God what a lineup. I'd prefer something else in Sabaton's place, but the rest...

And on September 12, they will be playing at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas with Megadeth.

Any word on if TIMs will be returning to Vegas?
And on September 12, they will be playing at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas with Megadeth.

Any word on if TIMs will be returning to Vegas?

No Vegas dates yet but hopefully we will in the near future. I love Vegas gigs! :headbang:

@ Traxan: Warbringer is also part of this lineup! :kickass:
I'd rather 4 Arm was part of it. Those Aussies kick serious ass. As appealing as this lineup is, it's a bunch of 40-somethings. I want Maiden passing the torch to the youngsters, not touring with guys who could have opened for them 25 years ago.
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";10595418 said:
No Vegas dates yet but hopefully we will in the near future. I love Vegas gigs! :headbang:

@ Traxan: Warbringer is also part of this lineup! :kickass:

FYI, the bingo room at Green Valley has yet to be finished. I hope it's an abysmal failure. They destroyed the best room in Vegas.
Is Maiden going to do a full show or have it cut short because of all the other bands? That would be tragic if it's shortened. Anyone know if it's a full show? When I saw Anthrax open up for Maiden a few years back it was unbelievably awful. Just horrible noise with a terrible singer. If Megadeth has Mustaine and they do old stuff, then I'll be looking real forward to that!
Irvine Meadows ( or whatever they call it now ) 2008, same experience ( or maybe the same show ). We got there as Anthrax was going on, I thought they enlisted the singer from Creed. Iron Maiden, the burning brooms and cardboard bonfire made me forget that horrible set.
Except the singer of Creed has a great voice and they have a great guitarist and their shows are awesome. Anthrax now is junk unless you simply just want to watch overgrown grunting teenagers create noise.
No you couldn't possibly see Creed and not like it. You just don't really get it, but if you saw a good show you would and certainly not fall asleep. Tremonti is a great guitarist, although his best work is with Alter Bridge.

So is the San Bernadino Iron Maiden set shortened you think to allow these other hacks to play? What's the latest news with Megadeth are they doing old stuff?
I've not seen them live, because their studio stuff does nothing for me. Not sure on set length, I havent seen the times. Last time I saw Testament was early 90's, Sabaton I would like to see as well. If Megadeth played Into The Lungs of Hell and Set The World good.
I actually have no clue what Megadeath has been up to this entire century besides doing Rust in Peace fairly recently which worked well! Dave Mustaine you just never know though.
Sabaton could be totally cool though. Testament will be great to drink beers to.
Anthrax I will be at the bar and hitting on chicks because no way will I sit through that mess.
But the problem is, Iron Maiden is just so much better and in such a different league then all these bands, all you'll want is for them to come on. It'll seriously bum me out if it's an hour show. If it's a full length Maiden show, this will be a great day!