The Beauty of Haven


I Wanna Be Like Mike :)
Feb 7, 2002
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Ive always despised this album and it's large amount of electronics. However lately, after giving it a few longer listens it's grown on me, the way that the melodies blend in with each other on songs like 'Indifferent Suns' is really good, i cant concentrate on the harmony as a whole but instead my mind is drawn to particular parts like the drop of an artificial harmonic and the like. Its a hodgpodge of notes it reminds me very much of emperor and their use of electronics accept DT are not trying to sound evil or dress in medievil clothing. In short Haven is starting to become my new favourite album. Yeah, I Just thought id share this with you all.

Haven = Rock!:D
I know no other album that blew me away during the first listen like Haven did...

I loved Projector (which was my first DT album), but I was glad they became heavier again on Haven...

During one month in 2000 I listened to Haven everyday from the minute I got up until I went to sleep again...that was during a time where I had to take two 1.5 hour long train trips everyday... Well, after that it got really boring, but I still love the album and put it on from time to time ;)
Haven must have been the most immediately impressive album I've ever listened to. The album completely sucked me in for a week, and I didn't listen to anything else. Well, after a while the lack of variation within songs, and their short length considerably reduced my interest in the album, put I still listen to it often. It's a good album, if a bit shallow.
Originally posted by Ormir
Haven must have been the most immediately impressive album I've ever listened to. The album completely sucked me in for a week, and I didn't listen to anything else. Well, after a while the lack of variation within songs, and their short length considerably reduced my interest in the album, put I still listen to it often. It's a good album, if a bit shallow.

who's the guy in your avatar anyway :D
I've always wondered
The first DT album i bought, the tittle-track charmed me from the first listen. :dopey:
hmm, sorry to differ but Haven has never really impressed me. Even though listened through it a couple of times I found nothing of just seemed dull and I weren't too fond of Stannes vocals on that album. Albums like DD, TMI, and Projector stands out more and has better vocals and better songwriting IMHO.
Wow. I'd call the raspy growl/whisper on Haven one of the better extreme metal vocal performances I've ever heard.
Originally posted by BiatchGuy
Wow. I'd call the raspy growl/whisper on Haven one of the better extreme metal vocal performances I've ever heard.

I really don't find it that raspy, the growl has a more pompous feeling to it.....kind of a bombastic sing/growl hybrid.

I prefer the vocals on Projector (both growl and clean), but the ones on DD is good too.
Haven was my first and is amazing. I love the electronics, as well. I can't help but think that I see something in this album that other people miss, but I guess I can't really say that for sure. There's just something about the feeling of it that I can't put my finger on, but I really really love it.
Haven was MY 1st DT album too, and it's absolutely brilliant in every way!. Damage Done was a sensational follow up, and it was from there that I worked back and bought The Gallery & Projector. They both blew me away too and, I gotta say, despite it's constant criticism, Projector is one muthafuckin work of art!

Err, back to THIS thread...heh...yep, Haven rox!! I love it!