The beginning and end of Somebody Put Something....

Originally posted by Janne Warman
"Relatively yes" an answer to "is there enough delay in your headphones?"


Yup im confused now, too haha :lol:

What about the end of Silent Scream in the new album? I mean the 2 / 3 minutes of "non-silence" after the track LOL

Its funny!!!

Tip: Do not forget to change the volume to normal state after you heard it. Cause..... hmmmm lets say I experimented something like Marty McFly in Back To The Future 1, when he conects all the speakers and shit....
Originally posted by Henkka Blacksmith
Someone asked about the ending of Somebody put...
Janne shouting "keep the engine rolling...!"
Don't give that fluteheaded-keyboardist any cachaca, otherwise...

Henkka? This is you? WOW Kewl.

What do you guys says at the "hidden" end of the new album? After Silent Scream I mean..... It was funny! "Tarararaáaaa tarararaáaaaa" :lol:
Originally posted by Henkka Blacksmith
Nothing worth translating i guess..just being drunk while singing the backing vocals on the album..Record was on though...
Tararrarrarraraaaaa...From which song is that from?

Hmmmmmmmmmm Triple Corpse Hammerblow???? Bodom Beach Terror? Hmmmmm fuckin' dont know! From which one? Hehe

Hey Henkka. Could you give us a tip about the lyrics of Bodom Beach Terror? I fuckin' dont know what the hell has to do a beach with the famous lake.... jus wondering.

BTW: The song is fuckin great! (like all the other COB songs)