The Berzerker - Dissimulate Album Launch


Youth Attack!
May 19, 2002
Melbourne Metal Music & Earache Records Present...
The Berzerker - Dissimulate Album Launch
Saturday 5th October @ The Tote
with special guests
More Information - Melbourne Metal Music
Originally posted by Clarky
but abramelin are fucking sick, brutal as
and abrasion rock

Are you getting sick of me asking about black metal? Because I've been mentioning it deliberately, but you're not noticing...
Originally posted by Clarky
hehe you do that :lol:
i still need to get my mayhem ticket :eek:

Hurry up and get it! I suppose that they won't sell out all that quickly. Later this week I'm going to find out what time the instore is being held. My housemate and I will probably spend the afternoon/evening in the city after the session, go to a pub, then on to the gig.
Apparently enigma_nocurnus wanted to catch up when he got over here, but I'm waiting on his message back. If there are any forum people that want to meet up before the gig, we should organise something...

Actually, I should probably write this in the Mayhem forum, or better still, begin a new one.
haha pretty much
turned 18 in july
been goin to 18+ gigs for a while :D
connectionss + apprently i look older???
I don't suppose they're particularly strict with things like age... or I might be wrong. I remember your birthday thing was on the website a couple of months ago.

So is that your fulltime job?? Or are you a volunteer?
there's lightning outside...
I'm going to have a smoke...

LIGHTNING!! not 'lightnight' :lol: what the fuck was I thinking??
basically george and i were mates
he was saying how he was gonna expand melb metal, from just a small arse site
and i jumped on board
helped him with content for the site
promo of the site
helped organise the launch gig etc
right now i dont get paid, as the org is just starting, but once is starts comin in ill get paid. but its not about the money, its the futherest thing from my mind
but i am a fulltime student..yr 12... :cry:
haha, we should exchange msn or icq or something
anyway till tomorrow
adios man im goin to bed