THE BERZERKER - we need your opinions!


Aug 27, 2002
In Hell
Hello all,

Im in the middle of compiling The Berzerker DVD and have a heap of extra footage, so i have a question.

Would you like The Berzerker DVD to be a single or a double disc DVD. Of course the double would contain a truck load of extra feature but would cost more.

Please voice your opinion on

Thank you
The Berzerker
if the extras are little scimpy things like discography, then no, but if yall got like videos and stuff like that, id love it, and plus the band owns, your style of death metal is most excellent.
maybe offer both. a normal dvd and a special edition 2 disc dvd. you gotta be able to hype it though. or maybe include the other footage on compilation dvd's. like the "death is just the begining" dvd. mix it up a bit. and while i bet your hardcore fans will buy a 2 disc, i imagine it may turn away others. my 2 cents
hmmm, i myself would be willing to buy a double dvd of the berzerker if it was offered, but Genocide Roach raises a very good point about potential customers other than the dedicated fanbase.
er.. there are people i know that listen to god knows how many different wide ranging genres of metal, that really appreciate The Berzerker.

I mean i know someone who listens to Queen, Pig Destroyer and One Minute Silence, yet really digs The Berzerker.

its due out March of this year necromancor1