The best band Line-Up Ever!


New Metal Member
Mar 3, 2005

ok so Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater)
Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree)
and Michael Akerfeldt (Opeth)

are to being collaberating on some music. So far no bassist has been named but what if Stevey D threw in some fretless. All my most influencial musicians in one band. And my idol throwing down my favorite part of a band and what i play; bass guits. How sick would that be people:

Steven Wilson (vocals, guitars, keys)
Michael Akerfeldt (vocals, guitars)
Steve DiGiorgio (Fretless, bass)
Mike Portnoy (percussion, drums)

I mean this would be even better than the ITP lineup for me of Hoglan, Schuldiner, LaRocque, and Steve. Steve hopefully you get in on this :p do it for me haha.

What you guys think?
instead Portnoy would be Richard Christy, Gene Hoglan, Sean Reinert or Asgeir :rofl:DD

all of them are so much better than portnoy... portnoy isn't a excellent drummer... is good but don't so much (i have listened DT, liquid tension, transatlantic, and other things in which portnoy has been involved... no one has impressed me so much)
borknagar_ said:
instead Portnoy would be Richard Christy, Gene Hoglan, Sean Reinert or Asgeir :rofl:DD

all of them are so much better than portnoy... portnoy isn't a excellent drummer... is good but don't so much (i have listened DT, liquid tension, transatlantic, and other things in which portnoy has been involved... no one has impressed me so much)

Portnoy is so highly talked about. I've heard nothing he's ever done. I'm curious to here him since you think nothing much of him. Dream Theater gets such mixed reviews all over the board, I should probably listen to them, just to get an opinion at least!
how come, sadly? he's gonna be on the road with the best band ever, SADUS!!! + he's got the new project coming out too... with Alvelais... that's gonna be cool too!
karpsmom said:
Portnoy is so highly talked about. I've heard nothing he's ever done. I'm curious to here him since you think nothing much of him. Dream Theater gets such mixed reviews all over the board, I should probably listen to them, just to get an opinion at least!

It seems you like Prog , so Dream Theater would be right down your alley in terms of taste. They cover vast bounds in styles of music like metal, nonmetal etc... so I recommend getting "Scenes from a memory" album its great.
Theres a difference between overrated and overdiscussed; Portnoy is overdiscussed. For you all to say he is not a good drummer or "overrated" just for the meer fact of a lot of people talking about him or mentioning his name as when people are asked who is the best drummer is not only ignorant but stupid. Their are probably a lot better drummers than Portnoy, true, but its about the style and diversity one can bring into collaberation. Plus the writing capabilities between each other. Meshing different qualities of all those musicians is not only wetdream worthy for me but smart. Plus most of you are baseing your opinion on Portnoy because you dont like dream theater or believe they get too much recognition than other prog bands just as good as them. Well dont let that cloud your mind on how good portnoy is. Because he is a great drummer no way around it. Plus its very evident Mike and Steven are on the same page as each other (ahem) O.S.I.? Great outcome , maybe only one song but still, and duh Akerfeldt and Wilson , opeth albums. I mean the music will definately come together with ease. Id just love to hear some classic DiGiorgio fretless behind it. :headbang:
What they should do is use Portnoy's sick Tama kit and give drumming duties to someone else...Richard Christy's a good pic, Felix Griffin, Paul Bostaph, Tom Hunting would also be another if he's still alive. Jon Allen would be great too. Then you throw in James Murphy for a third guitarist (like current Maiden style). Plus add SDG---Then I think I'd be satisfied. Sounds promising no matter what happens.
i think it isn't a "dreamed formation", could be better musicians there... maybe SDG be too good for them

PD: portnoy is totally overrated.
Mike Portnoy is a hell of a drummer, he can be very technical, but when it comes to create smthg original or simply different, he's not the man.

I personally prefer Gene Hoglan, Richard Christy or Greg Hall (ex Sacred Reich).
Difficult :p there are some "best" line-ups to think of. If you can only name a single line up of "best" musicians, you just don't know enough musicians :lol:

some lineups I'd like to see/hear:

drums: Mark Zonder
bass and stick: Sean Malone
other bass or stick: Rob vd Loo
keyboard: Kevin Moore
vocals: Geoff Tate

another one:
Poogie Bell, Steve DiGiorgio, Joe Zawinul, Wayne Shorter
Mrs.Mustaine said:
Mike Portnoy is a hell of a drummer, he can be very technical, but when it comes to create smthg original or simply different, he's not the man.

I personally prefer Gene Hoglan, Richard Christy or Greg Hall (ex Sacred Reich).

hell yeah!!!!

but i still saying, is totally overrated, even.. PORTNOY SUCKS!!!
Alteredmindeath said:
It seems you like Prog , so Dream Theater would be right down your alley in terms of taste. They cover vast bounds in styles of music like metal, nonmetal etc... so I recommend getting "Scenes from a memory" album its great.

Thanks, I'll get it. I hope I like it! I recently came to the realization that the main character on the last Ayreon album (one of my all time favorite albums), The Human Equation, was played by the singer of Dream Theater, so now I'm more excited about hearing them! :D
Portnoy is definitely a good drummer. However, I think his playing in DT has become boring and pretty much standard since SDOIT, or even SFAM.