The best band Line-Up Ever!

And you're all wrong.

To those saying he does nothing original anymore: that's because most of what's considered standard in prog-metal now is ripped off him.

To those saying he's just a bad drummer, and have listened to all his stuff: either you're lying to everyone else, or you don't know what hard drumming is.

To those saying Paul Bostaph's better (though Richard Christy probably is as good): have you considered that there's more to drumming than doing the fastest bass rolls possible?

What Portnoy does in Dream Theater is supposed to be standard (though, as I said, it's only considered standard because everyone else started doing the same thing). Dream Theater is not a band trying to showcase any of the musicians, and their songs are complex in their melodic and harmonic aspects. Portnoy's focus in Dream Theater is not and should not be to show off, but to make the songs as seamlessly integrated as possible. If you want to see him do something dangerous, listen to all the side projects, perhaps watch that video going around of that drum clinic solo he did.
coolsnow7 said:
And you're all wrong.

To those saying he does nothing original anymore: that's because most of what's considered standard in prog-metal now is ripped off him.

To those saying he's just a bad drummer, and have listened to all his stuff: either you're lying to everyone else, or you don't know what hard drumming is.

To those saying Paul Bostaph's better (though Richard Christy probably is as good): have you considered that there's more to drumming than doing the fastest bass rolls possible?

What Portnoy does in Dream Theater is supposed to be standard (though, as I said, it's only considered standard because everyone else started doing the same thing). Dream Theater is not a band trying to showcase any of the musicians, and their songs are complex in their melodic and harmonic aspects. Portnoy's focus in Dream Theater is not and should not be to show off, but to make the songs as seamlessly integrated as possible. If you want to see him do something dangerous, listen to all the side projects, perhaps watch that video going around of that drum clinic solo he did.

thinkin' it well, I must say something.... portoy don't suck. he plays drums enough good, but still being overrated.

about "you don't know how hard is to play that portnoy stuff" ... i play drums and portnoy songs aren't hard to play. I can play songs like glass prison, all the scenes from a memory... isn't so hard.

I have the DVD clinic with liquid tension... in the DVD he do a lot of mistakes (see his face when he plays, even he strikes his headfront in a moment.

Is very difficult to compare portnoy with bostaph. he got styles totally different, and portnoy maybe is more skilled to play... bostaph got speed and power.

Richard Christy is the man. the got skill and brutality. Christy easily kick ass portnoy with his skills (listen the sound of perseverance and try to play spirit crusher or scavenger of human sorrow like him) and he can play faster than bostaph.
coolsnow7 said:
To those saying he's just a bad drummer, and have listened to all his stuff: either you're lying to everyone else, or you don't know what hard drumming is.

To those saying Paul Bostaph's better (though Richard Christy probably is as good): have you considered that there's more to drumming than doing the fastest bass rolls possible? QUOTE]

1) Never said Tony P. was a bad drummer; that doesn't mean drummers like myself can't dislike his style; 2) Never mentioned Bostaph being better and none of the previous posts seem to even suggest anything like this (???). Definitely true what you say about double bass rolls and I didn't even like Bostaph that much until I read the interview in last months (or the maybe the month before or the month before that) DRUM! magazine. Bostaph is totally right about Phil Rudd: i.e. his drumming is so simple, it's difficult. Plus I think Bostaph did a good job on "Shovel Headed Kill Machine". Another one from way back in the day who had an odd style in a genre (Thrash metal) run by drummers who were using the same playbook was John Tabares. The stuff seems so damn sloppy, it's clever by design. It's like a reverse Bill Ward -instead of being "behind" the beat ever so slightly he trails off before the change or chorus.