The best song I've ever worked on

yeah, twas 250DE then (I guess one of the tracks was labeled "L1c" and one "L1D" or something, c=condensor element, d=dynamic element).
it's a nice mic, sometimes a bit difficult in the low mids IMO, can be a bit fizzy on top also...but definitely a smooth alternative to the 57
always liked drum production on that one, guitars sound cool too but can a bit aggressive after some time...something's just too much about them, altho the smoothness and sound itself is really cool.

musicwise I don't get why you say it's the best song you ever worked on...the middle part after the speed up is nice, but at whole I don't really feel the necessity for the whole 8 mins.
the elm street song is much cooler imo
but tastes vary of course :)
really love the vocal echo/delay things on the huge parts!
Yeah Mago, looking back I did over-do the processing on the rhythm guitars. The result is hyper-concentrated core mids that sound a bit smeary and fatiguing after a while. The super-loud master probably doesn't help that along much either. It was a really messed up stretch of time where I was getting a max of 4 hours sleep per night, so everything was being done hyper-caffeinated and with extremely poor judgment, haha. I think some of the earlier permutations of the mix may have actually sounded better. The great thing has been that this CD always received top marks on the production front with reviews, so I didn't have much time to regret it, as I was the only one who knew what could've been. Still really happy with the drum sound on that one. Shitloads of blending on kick and snare to get the perfect tonality for his drumming style, which is very very fast paced throughout. I had to make sure that the character in the drums was coming from the attacks, not from the sustain or bottom end. It's all 'tick tick tick'.
Yeah with enough time it's easier to make it sounds great, but often the challange is to make it sounds great in time :lol:
still sounds awesome of course, and I doubt that someone would say it sounds bad because of that, or that it destroyes the mix.
It's also more noticeable on headphones, on speakers it's not really that much of a problem anyway
snare is perfect for the mix. but so far I haven't disliked any of your snares so that's no surprise ;)
Just listened to the album again. I think the title track is my favourite one. The intro is really ass-kicking, perfect music for pumping in the gym :D
Sometimes the singer reminds me a little bit of Randy Blythe. Especially those great long screams.