The Best Studio\Producer

Although this is probably unoriginal, I'd have to say my favorite producer, lately, is Devin Townsend. He has a very distinct "touch" that you can hear on all his work.

Studio? I'll have to get back to you on that one . . .
Fredrick nordstrom is coming into his own.
peter tatgtgren when he puts his mind to it. he's done some shitty productions as well.
andy sneap blows me away.
collin richardson back in the day.
jim morris
dave otero (just did the new cephalic, also did the serberus disk)

best studios: fredman is kick ass.
morrissound is awesome.
I always liked Swano's work at Unisound. Especially his work with Dissection and Opeth.

Fredrik Nordstrom with Studio Fredman would probably be next with his work with At the Gates
Thanx for replying!

I also thought about Morrisound and Studio Fredman...
but I would add The Twilight Hall Studios (because it's Blind Guardian's studio...)

The producers I had in mind where Fredrick Nordstrom, Jim Morris, Charlie Bauerfeind, Flemming Rasmussen and Steven Wilson (if it was he that produced Opeth's BlackWater Park...)

oh, and The Gathering had a great sound quality on their last albums, so I guess they had a good producer and studio (don't know the names)...
Martin Shirence does some awesome production. Same goes for Peter Tägtgren, at least those I heard :)

Best studios? I'd say the The Abyss, Los Angered, and whatever the name of Shirenc's studio is ;)
I agree that Peter Tägtgren has done some of the best productions for black metal bands. Once black metal was synonomos (or however you spell that!?) with lousy production. On the other hand I kind of like the sound on Burzum's "Hvis lyset tar oss". It was recorded in Grieghallen and produced by Varg and Pytten. I think this kind of cold sound ads to the atmosphere of the album. Bad production is usually a bad thing for me, but in this particularly case I like it!
I also like the sound on the Opeth records. I think "My arms your hearse" and "Blackwater park" has the best production.
But probably the best sound I've heard in metal comes from my favorite band Type O Negative! They record in keyboardist Josh Silver's studio System Two in Brooklyn and Silver and Peter Steele produces their records. There a few moments on their newest album "World coming down" where the sound can get a little bit muddy, but that's only for a very short while! It's hard to say which of their records has the best production, maybe I would go for "Bloody Kisses". I also think their music is a type of music that absolutely has to have a good production. If they had a shitty sound like Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" I don't think I would like their records as much as I do now.
the studiot that the haunted uses is really good, and the guy that did teh new rotten sound is good, can't remember the names.

i think dan swano is an inconsistant producer. he's done some shit. his best was moontower. that record has amazing production. he did good for dissection, but the marduk and dark funeral albums he did suck. i dont like the production on teh early opeth either.
Hey, wasn't Scott Burns the guy that was in that DSP (Deathlike Silence Procuctions) logo, where they had put him in a sign like he was banned and they had written stuff like "no fun" and shit like that outside the sign? Can anyone give me the story behind this?