The Bible Codes


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Has anyone heard about this? It's not new apparently but it's the first I've ever heard of it. Last night, I had dinner with the Christian again. He was telling me about his church (Lakewood Church in Houston - apparently the biggest in the USA) and how they preach "the truth" with the Bible Codes.

Did you know that every 50th letter in the first few chapters/books of the Bible spells "Torah"? Did you know the Bible predicted 9/11? Did you know that any account of this being a hoax is the work of Satan? :tickled:

So it's "conspiracy theory" Christianity now. This is huge - South Korea now has five of the largest churches in the world, and they conduct 7 sermons every Sunday, each one playing host to 200,000 Christians. That's right, we're talking 1.4m people per church in a single day.

It is these "bible codes" that is allowing all these people to 'prove' their faith. People no longer have to have faith in their hearts, they can have it explained to them mathematically.

I had never even heard of "Bible Codes" so I was just curious....
JayKeeley said:
(Lakewood Church in Houston - apparently the biggest in the USA)
You should have rolled your eyes and thrown his ass out right here. This church is advertised day in and day out on TV down here, and is televised every Sunday. This "church" is a corporation, not a church in the truest since.

Never heard of these "bible codes", but there seems to be something like this every year.
Yes, that reborner slut I dated some years ago bought this book when I was with her at Barnes and Noble, so I bought ATHEISM: THE CASE AGAINST GOD. :tickled:
Thats rather funny, as I thought the whole purpose of the bible, Judaism, Christianity, was an assualt against science, math, intelligence in general; for the sake of the supposed spirit that the priests controlled. Thus, if no one had any skill with mathmatics or science-other than those who were not religious ( the greeks, the traders, and moneychangers etc.)- why would they even bother? I dont think even the priests were all that well trained in math etc.
looks like slowly but surely we will lose our fearless leader to the deep south ... must get projects up north.
the whole purpose of the bible, Judaism, Christianity, was an assualt against science, math, intelligence in general; for the sake of the supposed spirit that the priests controlled
Of course you realize how wrong is this. You can bash christianity, but try to look behind the "obvious" for a start.
I've never heard of the Bible Codes either, and I've read alot of the books of the bible...there IS, however, a huge amount of symbolism, particularly in Revelations. I can't think of any part of the Bible where there is an attack on learning...all of that is the heritage of the Catholic Church and its manipulation of the Bible as a means of consolidating its own power and wealth.

The Bible taken on its own is both a "history" of the Jewish people (the Old Testament) and an accounting of a radical theological revolution (namely, the birth of Christianity)...if the New Testament is critical of anything, its critical of the Jewish establishment (the Saducees and Pharisees) and THEIR OWN manipulation of faith for power and wealth.
Enlighten me IoftheStorm. Was Chrisitianity not a religion against the world, knowledge, etc. Was there not a coming apocalypse, that would render all earthly knowledge etc useless? What bible are you reading? and read anyhting concerning Paul- the creator of christianity, and I dont see how u could make any argument to the contrary. But I encourage you to make an argument, as I am horribly curious what you have to offer.
yes revelations, true, but that book is so different from anything else, andit is nothing more than symbolism.

Still think about it, why would the writers of the bible, or God, place such mathmatical codes within the bible, when the actual teachings and faith of judaism and christianity were contrary to science and learning in general?
Type "Bible Codes" into google and see what you get...there is lots out there. Apparently they were discovered by three Jewish scientists (now Christian obviously) and their article was published with the code key etc in Scientific Journal. They tried to run the same codes against other pieces of literature but the results were not consistent -- the algorithm ONLY works for the bible.

You can also buy software that contains the encryption/decryption key and algorithm so you can scientifically dissect the bible yourself, in your own time.

Through this, the people who follow Bible Codes already know when Jesus is returning. They have a specific year already outlined - mark your calenders, it's 2050.

Of course, the anti-christ will come before Jesus (posing as the prophet) and he will be a European political leader (someone who governs all of Europe through a single currency and union). That political leader is to be born any day now, and may have already been born. Indeed, there are people flying back and forth between Europe and the US to establish any signs of the birth of the anti-christ. Some of these signs are already here: more earthquakes in the last 5 years than in the whole last century put together, the destruction of Africa....etc. The body of God (the church) will also crumble before judgement day.

Sounds a bit like "The Omen" doesn't it?
JayKeeley said:
They have a specific year already outlined - mark your calenders, it's 2050.
I was once told how large heaven was, to the exact square mile. She was totally serious.
speed said:
Enlighten me IoftheStorm. Was Chrisitianity not a religion against the world, knowledge, etc. Was there not a coming apocalypse, that would render all earthly knowledge etc useless? What bible are you reading? and read anyhting concerning Paul- the creator of christianity, and I dont see how u could make any argument to the contrary. But I encourage you to make an argument, as I am horribly curious what you have to offer.
Christianity didnt tell you that all "earthly knowledge" is useless, but that there is much more than they eye can see. Do you read anywhere in the bible that Jesus speaks against doctors or scientists? Re-read the Apocalypse too.
Also allow me to think that Paul is not the creator of christianity, but GUESS WHO: CHRIST!@!@!
speed said:
when the actual teachings and faith of judaism and christianity were contrary to science and learning in general?
This is just W - R - O - N - G.
Who said that having faith is opposite to science and learning. Do you realize how many christians are doctors or mathematicians? Or how many priests are doctors and mathematicians too. A religious belief like christianity, is not against science, it just expands beyond it. You can understand what you choose you understand
JayKeeley said:
Through this, the people who follow Bible Codes already know when Jesus is returning. They have a specific year already outlined - mark your calenders, it's 2050.

Of course, the anti-christ will come before Jesus (posing as the prophet) and he will be a European political leader (someone who governs all of Europe through a single currency and union). That political leader is to be born any day now, and may have already been born. Indeed, there are people flying back and forth between Europe and the US to establish any signs of the birth of the anti-christ. Some of these signs are already here: more earthquakes in the last 5 years than in the whole last century put together, the destruction of Africa....etc. The body of God (the church) will also crumble before judgement day.

Sounds a bit like "The Omen" doesn't it?
Christ said that he will come "like a thief in the night". There would be some signs, but the point is - surprise i am here.
IOfTheStorm said:
Who said that having faith is opposite to science and learning.
Christian Scientists and a whole shitload of other people that don't take it quite as far, but still think of them as exclusive ideologies. Evolution for example, many religious folk vehemently oppose even the teaching of this, let alone the belief. Google Scopes Trial, it still rears its head to this day.
IOfTheStorm said:
Christ said that he will come "like a thief in the night". There would be some signs, but the point is - surprise i am here.
Correct - the codes only give an approximate year, but not a specific date. That is supposedly because if everyone knew what the exact date was, they would simply repent one day before judgement and therefore be let into the pearly necklace gates of Heaven. It would be "cheating" in other words.

For the record, if I live that long, I will be 80 years old in 2050. My kids will be in their 50's. That's a pretty good innings all round I'd say. Bring it on. :heh: :tickled:
What's a true repent? Say I'm really really sorry instead of just sorry? This is what I've never understood, you can be a Charles Manson type, but minutes before dying if you apologize ZING! up to heaven you go. But if you live your life a decent person never lying, cheating, or stealing, and you happen to be an atheist, TO HELL YOU ARE BANISHED.

Just doesn't sound fair, but maybe that's the point. I dunno.
One Inch Man said:
But if you live your life a decent person never lying, cheating, or stealing, and you happen to be an atheist, TO HELL YOU ARE BANISHED.
Ooh ooh, I know this one!!

That's because even if you 'think' you lived life perfectly (not lying, killing, cheating etc) it is STILL impossible to live without some form of sin. It is all very unforgiving - even a slight amount of sin and you will burn in hell, so repent and repent away.

You see, only one man ever lived 'perfectly' without ANY sin, and that was Christ....