The Bible Codes

IOfTheStorm said:
Even scientists now think that Darwin was probably wrong.

He was obviously wrong about some things and never took genetics into scope but there is NO way to dissprove Natural Selection. Most scientists and Biologists will indeed tell you the same. A lot of people take Darwin's ideas and twist them for their own purpose or just totally misconstrue what he, in fact, was actually saying. Origin of Species, paradoxically, has nothing to do with the actual origin of the species.
Yeah I never finished that Atheism book, but it was pretty good what I did read. I really liked the agnostic atheist v. agnostic theist bit, therefore not allowing anyone to hide behind the "I dunno" aspect of agnosticism. :tickled:
JayKeeley said:
That's because even if you 'think' you lived life perfectly (not lying, killing, cheating etc) it is STILL impossible to live without some form of sin. It is all very unforgiving - even a slight amount of sin and you will burn in hell, so repent and repent away.

You see, only one man ever lived 'perfectly' without ANY sin, and that was Christ....
So by being completely sinful and then apologizing after you've had your fun you get the Golden Ticket, but by trying to do the right thing, and most of the time you do, but not apologizing because you don't think there is anything to apologize for because human nature is anything but perfect then *BZZT* . . .. .

Blargu. Circular and nonsensical reasoning is gay. Faith is faith, if you believe you believe and there is no sense arguing it. Arguing against it makes just as little sense, it's a waste of time. You can't disprove someone's belief in something, I just try to understand and make sense of it, which rarely happens. Blargu.
One Inch Man said:
What's a true repent? Say I'm really really sorry instead of just sorry? This is what I've never understood, you can be a Charles Manson type, but minutes before dying if you apologize ZING! up to heaven you go. But if you live your life a decent person never lying, cheating, or stealing, and you happen to be an atheist, TO HELL YOU ARE BANISHED.

Just doesn't sound fair, but maybe that's the point. I dunno.

When Christ said the things he said, he told them to un-educated, simple minded people. The point of his sayings was not "worship my father" but "love each other" (sign of a true hippie). The essence of christianity is "love thy neighbour" which is so simple, but in reality FEW succeed in doing it. And its meaning is more complicated than it seems to be.
You people (and many others) do the following mistake: Confuse the sayings of Christ, with the laws of CHURCH. Church laws are not words of God (like Christ's words are supposed to be), but personal thoughts of some important heads of the Church.
When someone judges what Christianity says, he must also think of the social circumstances of that period/place - thus some things about christianity that are considered narrow minded today, could be totally in balance with the social situation of past times.
One Inch Man said:
So by being completely sinful and then apologizing after you've had your fun you get the Golden Ticket, but by trying to do the right thing, and most of the time you do, but not apologizing because you don't think there is anything to apologize for because human nature is anything but perfect then *BZZT* . . .. .
Yep, pretty much. Hitler could have given repent 1 second before he shot himself and he'd be up there right now, having a good laugh.

You can't disprove someone's belief in something.
Ah, but God can. He will know whether your repent is genuine or not. He is like a polygraph lie detector.
IOfTheStorm said:
You people (and many others) do the following mistake: Confuse the sayings of Christ, with the laws of CHURCH.
True. I actually dig on the teachings of Jesus (whoever wrote them, I don't really know if the dude existed or not), it's very Buddhist.
JayKeeley said:
Yep, pretty much. Hitler could have given repent 1 second before he shot himself and he'd be up there right now, having a good laugh.
Not true! Suicide = bad sin. He would've had to wait until someone came in and killed him, then he'd be laughing up there (might be anyhow). :D
lizard said:
and since about 34 a.d. they've been doing the same with christianity.

Christianity is not in itself bad, what is bad is how some people use it for bad ends.
Yes, of course. I, personally, don't agree with the supposed "gospel" of christ at all. That's not to say it is treacherous. What is treacherous is when the fucking entire culture of the West, for the most part, absorbs it's faulty morals and ideologies, then continues to pour them into the governmental policies and/or laws. That is in essence, forcing the Christianity way of life onto the masses. Of course, this is opening up a huge can of worms of social order but I digress. :p
Doomcifer said:
Yes, of course. I, personally, don't agree with the supposed "gospel" of christ at all. That's not to say it is treacherous. What is treacherous is when the fucking entire culture of the West, for the most part, absorbs it's faulty morals and ideologies, then continues to pour them into the governmental policies and/or laws. That is in essence, forcing the Christianity way of life onto the masses. Of course, this is opening up a huge can of worms of social order but I digress. :p
That is it in a nutshell. And that's all I have to say about that.

But I will quickly say this, I bet not a single person outside of America made as much of a big deal out of Janet Jackson showing her tit on Superbowl. To *approximately* 59 million people, that was the equivalent of family structure, ethics, and traditional sanctity collapsing in on the walls of hell's inferno, and they've had enough.

Notice now how Maxim and FHM are top shelf magazines. :tickled:
We have one of those massive churches here too. We call it "Six Flags Over Jesus." Way conservative, scary freaks. Even scarier--they're becoming a substantial political force in the community. Big time lobbying and trying to get membership represented in various public offices.
*furiously searches for that nipply pic of Tara Reid*
I of the Storm we will of course disagree, as that is how pernicious a religion your Chrisitianity is.

Ok well lets discuss what you have stated. First, Christ is the creator of Christianity? What nonsense. Chrisitianity would be nothing more than a sect of radical jews if it were not for Paul. The early Christians led by Jesus' brother wanted no part of the gentiles, the circumcision question; the jewishness of the faith, etc, were all questions that caused Christianity to be a small inclusive radical jewish sect, until Paul came along, with his Roman citizenship, and gentile leanings. He alone directed Christianity from the idle blatherings of a self professed radical jew, to a worldwide--catholic religion.

And Christ was not against knowledge and learning? again, nonsense. The central message of christ is the apocalypse; revolt, non-resistance to evil, the salvation of the spirit and god. The material world, and its roman and jewish oppressors and their decadent ways would be overcome upon death and the apocalypse. Why is there any need for learning, other than simple parables? Do you thikn it is odd, that Chrisitianity-- Orthodox, and Catholic, was hostile to anyhting other than canonical law, or theology for 1500 fucking years? Its a representation of the religion; where the world is not important, the afterlife is. Does one not see a correlation between Islamic(a evolved form of the judeochristian faith) world today? In which their return to orthodoxy and religious roots, has led to the abandonment of science, math, reason--in the name of God?

Well enough ranting.
Still you fail to understand that Christ <> most of the CHURCH
Peter had an almost equal role in founding the Church. And before you tell me that i say nonsense, let me remind you that there was not a catholic church as we know it now, until almost 800 A.D... Before it was ONE CHURCH, after the schizm, became catholic - orthodox etc
I find it hard to listen to a man whose ancestors used to worhip a bunch of fornicators on a mountain and fuck goats babble on about Jesus.

Although I guess I can understand. How could you resist something that tight? :tickled::loco::grin: