I of the Storm we will of course disagree, as that is how pernicious a religion your Chrisitianity is.
Ok well lets discuss what you have stated. First, Christ is the creator of Christianity? What nonsense. Chrisitianity would be nothing more than a sect of radical jews if it were not for Paul. The early Christians led by Jesus' brother wanted no part of the gentiles, the circumcision question; the jewishness of the faith, etc, were all questions that caused Christianity to be a small inclusive radical jewish sect, until Paul came along, with his Roman citizenship, and gentile leanings. He alone directed Christianity from the idle blatherings of a self professed radical jew, to a worldwide--catholic religion.
And Christ was not against knowledge and learning? again, nonsense. The central message of christ is the apocalypse; revolt, non-resistance to evil, the salvation of the spirit and god. The material world, and its roman and jewish oppressors and their decadent ways would be overcome upon death and the apocalypse. Why is there any need for learning, other than simple parables? Do you thikn it is odd, that Chrisitianity-- Orthodox, and Catholic, was hostile to anyhting other than canonical law, or theology for 1500 fucking years? Its a representation of the religion; where the world is not important, the afterlife is. Does one not see a correlation between Islamic(a evolved form of the judeochristian faith) world today? In which their return to orthodoxy and religious roots, has led to the abandonment of science, math, reason--in the name of God?
Well enough ranting.