The big V


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
So I hear.

I got a quick reply:

"Hi there Dom

Thanks very much for your mail,and for your nice comments regarding my work and Virtuosa.
Its progressive and shred and all that - Ive always loved that stuff you know.
I am very flattered that you would like to write for V. As it stands at the moment - there is really not enough space for other guest writers yet, I have so much to put into a small space (its A5, 44pages) that I just sometimes cant fit eveything in I'd like to - let alone other stuff.
But seriously - if things change I will let you know - its kinda my baby but its still taking off and getting noticed etc - its selling around the world now (has been for 2 years) so thats quite cool - and the web sites have helped spred the word a little.
Yeah - S Williams - a VERY nice guy and good freind of mine too - I hung with him on the PQ-PM UK tour - you may have read my report in fireworks as well.
Keep in touch and thanks again
Nick j Hinton

Seems sound as a pound to me :)