The Black League


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Anyone else cool enough to listen to these guys? An awesome mix of rock n' roll and metal with comparisons to Danzig, Motorhead, Monster Magnet, AC/DC from FINLAND!

Very bluesy, stoner, rock metal with sometimes melancholy lyrics and sometimes lyrics about BEER! Also with a very Nordic feel. Really tasty stuff, I must say. The more adventurous folks in the forum should enjoy them. Excellent driving music to boot.

For those of you that like this sort of thing, this is the sort of thing you'll like.
I've heard of them, but not the music yet. Is it kinda like Down?

I'll try it I guess. I already know about the singer anyways. He's do-able. Majorly.
I have Ichor, Doomsday Sun (on sunbust vinyl also) and Utopia A.D. Man's Ruin Revisited didn't really do much for me but Ichor is awesome.

Also, Mousewings, i wouldn't say they're much of anything like Down.
Whoa, sounds like something of unruly proportions. Any samples lying around that I don't have to expend any effort toward, other than opening this thread next time someone replies?
There's a few tracks and a video here but i wouldn't say these songs were representative of everything The Black League does.
They rule. But yeah, each album is significantly different from the previous one. I'd say Utopia AD is my fave, followed by Ichor. I need more time with MRR.
Didn't hear that one, but yeah, i didn't hear one good thing about it. ANd CM must've known it sucked because they didn't promote it at all.