The Bloodhound Gang.


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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This has nothing to do with Saxon, but I wanted to share it anyway! Especially as I was so disgusted that I wasn't going to let the f****r get away with it.

Me and Sam went to see The Bloodhound Gang last week in Manchester. I was (WAS being the operative word) quite a big Bloodhound Gang fan, but not anymore.

Now, I'm a Londoner living in Manchester,and I've heard all the usual b******s before; band says something like "We played London yesterday" and the crowd boo's, all that usual s**t. Fair enough. But the lead singer of the Bloodhound Gang saw that there were people just standing around at the back. Nothing new about that, it happens at every gig. If you want to jump up and down and go crazy, you go down the front. If you don't, then you stand at the back. So this tosspot singer says "I see there are a lot of people standing still at the back, they must be from London. Those London people think they are so cool, what they need is a 9/11, that will make them not so cool".

Er, excuse me? What London needs is a 9/11? Now, maybe I am being a bit too sensitive here, but I fail to see how 3,000 people being killed could be a good thing! And of course, maybe he was joking, or just trying to say something to get the crowd going. But there are some things that you just don't joke about.

They played another song, then slagged off London again, so I walked out. Never before have I ever walked out of a gig (unless it was to catch a last train home etc), but I walked out after 4 songs.

And thats not to mention the bass player spitting beer over everyone every 2 minutes. Maybe he thought people would feel privileged to be covered in his spit?!!

No wonder Americans have got a bad name! (With all due respect to RicknRoll, Twisted Tony etc).
Pax, I saw them on their previous tour at the Astoria and they were amusing in a "Young Ones, Bottom" kind of a way.

A few of my mates went to the London gig I declined on the basis that I thought they would be funny once.

Well surprise surprise in London they played for about an hour, including a mid set break, Had a terrible vocal sound (which defeats the object of seeing them as some of their lyrics are witty), and Jimmy Pop just moaned throughout the set that they had to come of stage because there was a G.A.Y. event on later that night. Now I've known Ted Nugent, Slayer, Machine Head and Anthrax play sets at the Astoria prior to a G.A.Y. event and yes they all mentioned it in a jokey styley. But from what I can gather (allegedly) the oh so righteous Jimmy Pop just launched in to what can best be described as a vitriolic Homophobic rant (that would probably result in arrest out in the street) between each song.

He clearly has now made a pratt out of himself in Manchester and London, and hopefully more people will do what you did Pax - fair play to you.

Clearly the guy has issues !
I always considered them being a bunch of morons with absolutely no musical talent or skills...having seen them at a show here in Munich only make me second that.I'm glad to see that low level jerks like them seem to simply fade away during the past few years and hopefully disappear completely at one point...
Mr Paxoman -
Don't worry, you weren't being too sensitive at all. You sound like a very level-headed bloke and, if you are into the music we're into, you have to develop a hard skin and dark sense of humour!
Putting down Londoners or whatever wasn't the problem. Bands always put down the previous venue's audience just to get a vibe going with the current audience.
The problem with this guy's comments were that they were out of context and inappropriate.
He could have said something like 'Yeah, all those Londoners could take a dip in the Thames compared to you guys' or something of that ilk. But bringing up a completely unrelated incident that had such an impact on us all was well out or order. Maybe he thought it sounded cool or something, but I'd like to think that he regretted the comment as soon as he said it.
It would've been the same if he had said something like 'What London needs is a successful IRA bomb... That'll sort them out!'
Stuff like that just isn't funny and, don't get me wrong, I'm the first to have a laugh at Horror movies. But that is precisely why I laugh - it doesn't effect anybody. Stuff like terroism does - not just the victims, but friends and family.
Needless to say, I can think of some relevant and appropriate things to happen to that prat now!

Anyhow, you did right walking out, Paxo, and I hope the band have lost a few potential fans due to your comments!
Well done Pax.Lets find the web site and let them know what we think in fact let as many people as possible know.I love sick jokes but you have to draw the line.I would done my best to ruin the gig for them fuck the kicking off the bouncers and the like they have freedom of speach 3000 people after that day dont.
Fingers - Well it's something to know I suppose that Jimmy Pop is obviously a complete prat all the time, and it wasn't just a one off in Manchester! I would hate to have felt singled out!!!

It's nice to know that it isn't just me who felt he was out of order, and the rest of you do too. Cheers lads.

The disappointing thing is that the show, music wise, was pretty good from the few songs that I heard.
Im with you too Pax, christ, i spent years watching the Macc Lads getting every sensitive and politically correct bone in my bony broken, but even they wouldnt stoop that low.
macc189 said:
Im with you too Pax, christ, i spent years watching the Macc Lads getting every sensitive and politically correct bone in my bony broken, but even they wouldnt stoop that low.
The beauty is the MACC LADS did it with irony and a smile, i.e.

"Right you Yorkshire poofs were recording this tonight for people in Macc to listen to it, so lets hear some f*cking swearing!" MACC LADS LIVE AT LEEDS....... THE WHO?

Not one complaint from anyone in Yorkshire, if the lads played again "claims direct" would be outside suggesting they sue, Cherie Blair would probably represent them :lol: :lol: :lol: and they would get legal aid! :yell:
Hmm well it sounds like you did well to get out of that pit of spite and idiocy when you did. I bet if there were some way for everyone who was offended to claim their money back rather than just walk out he'd shut the hell up pronto!

Fingers said:
Jimmy Pop just moaned throughout the set that they had to come of stage because there was a G.A.Y. event on later that night. Now I've known Ted Nugent, Slayer, Machine Head and Anthrax play sets at the Astoria prior to a G.A.Y. event and yes they all mentioned it in a jokey styley.
Well there's nowt wrong with a couple of cheap gags, I bet even if you're gay you can laugh along with the first one or two. In fact, I bet the Astoria gig on this Saxon tour has to end early for the same reason and I'd be surprised if Biff doesn't have a quip up his sleeve about that on the night.

But that sounds like its going well too far. At least in metal at the moment we don't have the same problems as the MOBO awards though. Apparently they've nominated artists with lyrics like "Queers must be killed! Shoot them like birds!" for some major awards and are now likely to be visited by a Peter Tatchell protest on the night for their trouble.
Paxoman said:
This has nothing to do with Saxon, but I wanted to share it anyway! Especially as I was so disgusted that I wasn't going to let the f****r get away with it.

No wonder Americans have got a bad name! (With all due respect to RicknRoll, Twisted Tony etc).
For what it's worth, I completely agree with you, Paxoman. No offense taken, even though I'm an American myself. Some people here seem to think they're above everyone else in the world just because they're American (no matter how friggin' stupid they act! :yuk: ), and it just pisses me off because, yeah, it does make us look bad. Yeah, we've suffered some major tragedy in recent times (and I don't mean to make light of that), but so have lots of other countries, and they haven't all turned self-righteous and expected the world to bow to them or give them any kind of special treatment. So cheers to you from America, Pax! I would have done the same. :rock:

Hope this doesn't land me in front of a senate subcommittee on un-American activity!:loco:
Right there with yeah Pax totallly 'Uncool' thing to say, come to think of it I used to like them too.

Paxoman said:
This has nothing to do with Saxon, but I wanted to share it anyway! Especially as I was so disgusted that I wasn't going to let the f****r get away with it.

Me and Sam went to see The Bloodhound Gang last week in Manchester. I was (WAS being the operative word) quite a big Bloodhound Gang fan, but not anymore.

Now, I'm a Londoner living in Manchester,and I've heard all the usual b******s before; band says something like "We played London yesterday" and the crowd boo's, all that usual s**t. Fair enough. But the lead singer of the Bloodhound Gang saw that there were people just standing around at the back. Nothing new about that, it happens at every gig. If you want to jump up and down and go crazy, you go down the front. If you don't, then you stand at the back. So this tosspot singer says "I see there are a lot of people standing still at the back, they must be from London. Those London people think they are so cool, what they need is a 9/11, that will make them not so cool".

Er, excuse me? What London needs is a 9/11? Now, maybe I am being a bit too sensitive here, but I fail to see how 3,000 people being killed could be a good thing! And of course, maybe he was joking, or just trying to say something to get the crowd going. But there are some things that you just don't joke about.

They played another song, then slagged off London again, so I walked out. Never before have I ever walked out of a gig (unless it was to catch a last train home etc), but I walked out after 4 songs.

And thats not to mention the bass player spitting beer over everyone every 2 minutes. Maybe he thought people would feel privileged to be covered in his spit?!!

No wonder Americans have got a bad name! (With all due respect to RicknRoll, Twisted Tony etc).
Secret Wepon you have huge balls.Your country should be proud of you I just wish more level head Amricains like you were seen on t.v. more.Instead we only seem to see bigheaded biggots or Mike Moore.So evan though we know not all Amricains are like thats what we tend to be fed.Gods what the world thinks of Britain(your bitch) but we are not all spineless lap dogs.

Now I said all that .Ratt? What were you all thinking why? I mean was it a bad year so you all got into Ratt I mean come on what the fuckand dont dare reply by saying anything nice about them I wont stand for it
Yeah I know mate but I was just being light hearted.You see the thing is no matter what you the general conception of Amrerica is these days you can never forgive for Ratt.:Spin: .