The Borat Thread


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
So I found a site dedicated to Borat:

And here is a segment that got banned even from HBO. This includes an interview transcript with Howard Stern.

Regardless of whether you have HBO, or know of Borat, you really need to read that interview transcript. It gives you an idea of how you can get people to open up....

Mr Gordon and Borat are now driving in a golf buggy style vehicle around the dirt tracks of the ranch. The camera shot is filming from behind Gordon and Borat's backs. Gordon never turns around, it is unclear whether he knows he is being filmed. Gordon - "A long time ago in Africa they used to hunt the black guys."

Borat - (silence)

Gordon - "You don't have any Jews up in your country do ya?"

Borat - "Jews, we have a lot of Jews... the one that like the money?"

Gordon - "It's one of their traits alright."

Borat - "In our country the big nose people make a lot of trouble. They make trouble here in America too?"

Gordon - "Everywhere they are!"

Borat - "Yes."

Gordon - "They were so bad in Germany and controlled the economy and all of the money and stuff. That's why when the Nazis got in power, they said 'We're going to have a final solution to this Jewish...'"

Borat - "Hunt the Jew?"

Gordon - "Kill 'em all!"

Borat - "It is a shame you cannot have in one of this." (Borat indicates to the ranch) "....Deer and then a Jew. Then you can hunt the Jew."

Gordon - (laughs) "You can't be this way in this country!"

Borat - "But why not?"

Gordon - "It's OK with me. But it's not with other people."
hahahahaha ...:tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

what about this one?

Borat, Mr Gordon and Jim are sat near a clearing out in the ranch.

Borat - "I will do a Kazakh ritual to get the animal."

Jim - "OK"

Borat - "What is the name of the animal?"

Jim - "Axis Deer."

Borat - "What it sound?"

The camera cuts and shows Borat walking off into the wilderness. He returns in his shoes and underpants. He crouches with his arms outstretched trying to call to the deer.


Gordon - (turns to Jim) "I have been to a lot of deer hunts. And I have not once in my life seen that!"
man you just made my day with this thread ... i cannot get enough of this guy.
I got half my friends and their girlfriends saying "High Five" in Borat's voice for weeks already ..

another riot one ....

(Borat introduces himself to a well spoken elderly man in a Tailor Shop)

Borat - Hello

Tailor - Borat, how are you?

Borat - Very nice to see you.

Borat - If man come in here with many bodyguard, rich, with beautiful lady with (mumbled) shaved pussy, with gold, you will serve him?

Tailor - Yes, oh yes.
What Borat looks for in a girl:

1. Blonde
2. No retardment in family
3. Ploughing experience
(preferably one year)
4. Good physique
5. Tight, like a man's anus
6. Nice face
7. Non Jew
In my country there is problem
And that problem is transport
It takes very long
Because Kazakhstan is big

Throw transport down the well
So my country can be free
We must make travel easy
Then we'll have a big party

In my country there is problem
And that problem is the Jew
He take everybody's money
And he doesn't give it back

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we'll have a big party

When you see the Jew coming
You must be careful of his teeth
You must grab him by your money
And this is what you do:

Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we'll have a big party

From memory! :D
Borat chats to what looks like a Vietnam Vet in the street:


I can touch?

Borat: "We say in Kazakhstan that a man who never killed a man is like man without any..." (Borat indicated to his groin.) "Is true? Is true?"

Man: "It's a strange feeling"

Borat: "You have a big..." (Borat indicates to the man's groin.) "You have a big 'hram'?"

Man: "Errrrrr, fairly... Not... Pretty good."

Borat: "I can touch?"

Man: "In America, you don't, it's not... It's not one of our customs."

Borat: "I can touch?"

Man: (The man looks around) "Well sure, why not"

Borat: "This is OK with you?"

Man: "Sure"

(Borat reaches between the man's legs and touches him, they both then laugh)

Borat: "It's nice... It's good, but I have seen bigger!"
I still need to see them shitz but whenever you fuckers start Borating around here I start cracking up, like right now.