The Boundaries of Metal.

affinityband said:
This actually shows how much you havent listened to Ulver. I think you should listen again.
Um, I've listened to everything they've done, from Vargnatt to Blood Inside. Notice how shitty "avant-garde" bands like modern Ulver are using the same pretentious shit as every other "avant-garde" band? Notice how the bands that actually made a difference in music were never classified "avant-garde", ie. Black Sabbath, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Burzum etc? Please do fuck off, these bands aren't pushing any boundaries, they're just producing the same rubbish as everyone else, but at least other bands are honest unlike Ulver, Solefald, Arcturus and the like.
Md Player said:
Very technical,fast ,melodic and weird riffing combined with great musicianship.Luc Lemay is an awesome musician and give style of his on the music.Steve Cloutier is great a bassist and he (nearly) created a playing style on bass you must be seen him playing to understand.They pushing the limits with experimenting their ideas.
These guys are probably the only band mentioned thus far that could be said to be "pushing boundaries", they don't resort to using crappy jazz interludes and annoying samples.
Paradise Lost - Dance music with metal/hard rock.

And I second Ephel Duath.

Orphaned Land - Middle Eastern music with death metal. These guys truly have created their own genre.
And forgot to add Subterranean Masquerade. Their album "Suspended Animation Dreams" is hands down the most original piece of music I've ever heard.

Auschwitz said:
Please do fuck off, these bands aren't pushing any boundaries, they're just producing the same rubbish as everyone else, but at least other bands are honest unlike Ulver, Solefald, Arcturus and the like.
what a big pile of crap...go end get your ears checked.
Auschwitz said:
Please do fuck off, these bands aren't pushing any boundaries, they're just producing the same rubbish as everyone else, but at least other bands are honest unlike Ulver, Solefald, Arcturus and the like.

I don't think it is humanly possible to respect your opinion. :yuk:

Anyway, I think Meshuggah has really pushed riffage to a new level...
I don't see how meshuggah playing one note offbeat riffs is pushing any bounderies. The bands rythmn work is some of the most simple i've heard. fast ? lol

The band throws in some simple clean chord progressions so it looks like they're blending styles. Why does the band needs a lot of rack gear and 7,8 string guitars.
The Greys said:
I don't see how meshuggah playing one note offbeat riffs is pushing any bounderies. The bands rythmn work is some of the most simple i've heard. fast ? lol

The band throws in some simple clean chord progressions so it looks like they're blending styles. Why does the band needs a lot of rack gear and 7,8 string guitars.
Exactly. :D

I could play Meshuggah with one hand, seriously. I actually have before.
The Greys said:
I don't see how meshuggah playing one note offbeat riffs is pushing any bounderies. The bands rythmn work is some of the most simple i've heard. fast ? lol

The band throws in some simple clean chord progressions so it looks like they're blending styles. Why does the band needs a lot of rack gear and 7,8 string guitars.

i'm really biased here because i see something in them that you don't. not saying that there is a wrong or right...what it comes down to is, i like them better than you...anywho, i'll try to explain.

first of all, a lot of rack gear? they have quite possibly the simlest guitar rig in all of metal. guitar>line 6 pod>PA. thats amp. they might have a couple of pods running for different effects at the same time...and i have also heard that they have some a/b/y switcher type thing for when one of them has a solo.

now, their music...the most recent, catch 33 is definetely an album's album. its meant to be listened to as one song. it has this underlying, ominous sense of dread...a lot of people bash them for not pushing themselves in terms of speed. well, imo...that is pushing the times where "technical," and "speed" seem to be the eye of death metal, these guys are focussing on a theme and feeling. one of the most insanely sweet ass guitar solos i have ever heard is around a minute into track 6.
Auschwitz said:
Um, I've listened to everything they've done, from Vargnatt to Blood Inside. Notice how shitty "avant-garde" bands like modern Ulver are using the same pretentious shit as every other "avant-garde" band? Notice how the bands that actually made a difference in music were never classified "avant-garde", ie. Black Sabbath, Slayer, Morbid Angel, Burzum etc? Please do fuck off, these bands aren't pushing any boundaries, they're just producing the same rubbish as everyone else, but at least other bands are honest unlike Ulver, Solefald, Arcturus and the like.

Well now that you put this way. If you really think about there's not really ANY metal band pushing anything. I guess you could just clasify Metal as obsolete music. I mean there's bands that are experimenting with different sounds and such, but what it boils down to is that most of these "sounds" have been done before. So nobody in a sense is pushing any boundries. Maybe black music is the type of music that's the most innovative.
pac1288 said:
Well now that you put this way. If you really think about there's not really ANY metal band pushing anything. I guess you could just clasify Metal as obsolete music. I mean there's bands that are experimenting with different sounds and such, but what it boils down to is that most of these "sounds" have been done before. So nobody in a sense is pushing any boundries. Maybe black music is the type of music that's the most innovative.

I think that is wrong. You can push the boundries, while staying within a certain genre. Especially metal. Just because bands have guitars and drums doesn't mean everything they do has been done before. It's the way their music is displayed.

I actually think that metal is the genre that has the most "boundry-pushing", since it is such a big one, second only to the genre it belongs to, rock. And while I'll never claim to be an expert, from my experience I haven't seen more bands do irregular shit than metal bands.
Auschwitz said:
Ulver isn't pushing anything, how is copying 90's trip hop progressive?

Perdition City is the only remotely trip-hop sounding album (paying more than a little homage to Dead Cities by The Future Sound of London), and you claim to have listened to all their stuff, so I am somewhat confused how you can make that statement.

However, while I love Ulver, I don't really see how you can claim they are pushing the boundaries of metal when they haven't recorded a metal album since 1997. And the two metal albums they did record were hardly pushing any boundaries.

And I don't see how Opeth ever pushed any boundaries either. Maybe in their earlier material but they have pretty much settled into their own little routine now so I really don't see how they are pushing boundaries at this point in time.

Some bands that spring to mind for me are:

Blut Aus Nord - Some of their material is absolutely bone chilling. Really creepy stuff. They recently seem to have ventured further into industrial territory though (which is not necessarily bad since I happen to like industrial).
Gorguts - Haven't heard a great deal of their material but what I have heard sounded like nothing else.