The Cabinet of Dr Caligari


Nov 24, 2001
New Brunswick, Canada
This is on TV right now... for some reason it sounds extremely familiar, and I think it's related to Bodom or Sinergy or something in some way... I don't know for sure tho. By related I mean I saw the name in an interview or something... fuck I just can't remember... :zombie:
Look here brah..
..Create a new thread when you have actually given the matter some thought and something very interesting and/or important can be said..
Not when you feel like getting diarrhea of the typist all over our already-crowded-as-fuck forum
To Erika: It's an old horror movie... for some reason I strongly think that Bodom used a melody or -something- from it... damn I wish I could remember. I was hoping someone else would know (like if I had seen it in an interview or something, then someone else probably would've read it). :confused:

To MagSec: FUCK YOU. THIS IS WHAT MSG BOARDS ARE FOR. Considering that 95% of the threads on any msg board are absolutely pointless, shut the fuck up.

EDIT: Waitaminute! I'm pretty sure I remember... :lol: Back when Bodom had the contest for the FtR flag, one of the questions was "what is the melody at the start of Black Widow from?"... and somebody said "The Cabient of Dr. Caligari!" to throw ppl off... hahahahahhaha that's why it was so damn familiar. :p
"EDIT: Waitaminute! I'm pretty sure I remember... :lol: Back when Bodom had the contest for the FtR flag, one of the questions was "what is the melody at the start of Black Widow from?"... and somebody said "The Cabient of Dr. Caligari!" to throw ppl off... hahahahahhaha that's why it was so damn familiar. :p"

Yep, thats right. Allmost of half of the peolpe said that in their answers :lol:
well... "the cabinet of dr. caligari" was an experiment in expressionism back in the 1920s.
it's a pretty cool film too. it's about a mad scientist type who trains a somnambulist to kill. so basically this sleepwalker goes around and murders all kind of people. what fun.
woohoo, look what i found!!! i guess i was wrong.
the intro to black widow still fucking rocks!
[this post makes sense if you see my shameful failure of a thread in the off topic board]