The catchiest death metal band I've worked with yet!


Bulging Member
Mar 6, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Gentlemen, I require assistance. The low end on this track is giving me some troubles, I'd like some outside opinions before I hand over the master to the band.


It's sounding fucking great on everything I've put it through so far, EXCEPT my car, which is troubling. I'm hearing an excess of low-mids/upper-bass in the 150-300Hz regions, and thinking it could do with just a little more OOMPH in the kick drum in the sub-bass regions, while cutting back that area a bit on the bass guitar. One of the band members is complaining of a distinct lack of low end when comparing it to other releases of similar musical nature - is he mad? I think so. Tell me what you think!
I compared it to Suffocation and Dying Fetus and I must say, yes there is a lack of lowend. Especially in the Kickdrum.
I'd say you are on the right track with the kickdrum and then you should boost the lows on the bass itself a bit.

Other than that nice mix!
^ What he said.

But yeah, the low-end needs some work, I think it's lacking somewhat.
Definitely a little lacking but honestly to me, this kind of band does not exactly call for a thundering low end. Don't get me wrong, it should be thickened up but not at the expense of losing the tightness that I currently hear. IMHO it just needs a wee bit more out of the kick and a little more out of the bass. You said you want a little more sub content? Then get off UM and get busy dialing that shit in lol
I agree with ForceTheTriggerSucks.
In this kind of music, all instruments fight against eachother to dominate the mix.
It could use some more bass, but adding some more lowend could potentially mess things up unless you know what you're doing, try to add a little bit and see how it turns out.