The Chariot - The Fiancée.. info ?


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Ello !

I would love to get some info about this album.. anybody have some info to share ?
I heard it was all live tracked with then some dubbing afterwards.

Anyone know what amps that are used ?

Info about the other albums they have made is also appreciated :)
All I know is that Matt Goldman did this album, and he's pretty much the Steve Albini of indie rock and hardcore. I love everything I've ever heard from Matt Goldman.
And anyone who is familiar with The Chariot and perhaps, moreso those who are not, need to watch this at least 10 times.

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Thanks RandomAwesome for the reply atleast ;).

I have been listening to Wars and Rumors of Wars and I just love the production on that on aswell, anyone got any tiny information to share about this.. maybe what amp they used or anything? haha
I think for tracking they have been using whatever is around Goldman's, as for tracking they way the work is they track the drums without a click and overdub each instrument playing to the drummers feel. That's all I remember from talking to the guys when they were in Perth. They've worked that way since the Unsung EP.