The cheap gear thread!


Aug 29, 2005
Post your favorite pieces of cheap gear!

Mine- Rode NT5 small diaphragm condensers. I got a matched pair with a hard case for under $300 on Ebay, and they're probably the best inexpensive small diaphragms I've heard. They don't have the harsh, overly bright highs that most inexpensive condensers seem to have. They strike me as a relatively neutral mic, and given a good source and a good room, they've never let me down on anything I've tried them on. Acoustic guitar, cab mic (they slay in conjunction with a 57!), overheads, whatever. :rock:
The following are all of awesome quality (in US "street" prices, new):
FMR's RNC (best cheap "clean" compressor) around $200
ART ProVLA Compressor (best cheap "character" compressor) around $350
Groove Tubes' "The Brick" (killer tube mic preamp/instrument DI; best pre/DI for under a grand) around $500
JoeMeek ThreeQ (pre/comp/eq vocal channel; isn't for everyone, but when it works well, it works DAMN well) around $200
Ill probablt get laughed at for this one... but with a bit of tweaking this guitar actually rocks....

The OLP Petrucci.

Put some good pickups in it, graphite nut, and schaller locking on it and it just kicks ass. I think it definitely gives the EB Petrucci a run for its money.

After buying all the extras i paid a totoal of $550 for the guitar pickups nut and tuner.

I think it blows my C1 Elite away

Da Fukn Guru