What Combinations of Gear Should I Use


New Metal Member
Feb 5, 2009
I'm renting a studio rehearsal spot to record my bands ep because my live room is very small and gives me a shitty sound for drums. The studio we found also has some good equipment available. I was wondering what combinations of gear I should use for recording drums. Also, my band has kind of an everytime i die or The holly springs disaster kind of sound.

Rode NT5's
beta 52
ddrum triggers
and RME fireface 800

API rack mount console w/ master and cue section and patchbay
API 3421 (8 separate pre amps)
Neve 33115 stereo preamp with EQ
8 Neve BA 183 (modified Neve 1073 preamps)
Teletronix LA2A
Lexicon 480 L
Manley stereo compressor
Focusrite Compressor
Lexicon PCM 60
Aural exciter
Joe Meek compressor
Manley Massive Passive

Neumann U47
Neumann U67
4- Neumann U87
2-AKG 414
2- Neumann TLM 103
SM 57’s
Sound deluxe tube mic
2-AKG c1000
Royer 121’s
2-Neumann KM184
I want to mic the following:kick, snare top, snare bottom, 1 rack tom, 2 floor toms, 2 overheads, high hat, ride, room, and maybe the china

Thanks for your help in advance,
if i were you this is what i would do:

kick in - beta 52 - neve 1073
kick out - u47fet - api
snare top - 57 - api
snare bot - 57 - api
high toms - akg 414 - api
low tom - tlm 103 - api
HH - akg c1000 - api
OHs - KM184 - Neve 33115
Room - U67 - Joe Meek comp - api
China - AKG C1000 - api
Dude you're set. With that gear it all comes down to the player and the instrument, make sure the drums are tuned well and you're drummers on the ball.
Dude tracking at rehearsal pro is awesome!
Good room, good gear.
I used the 103s for overheads last time into api
u87 was room mic in front of kit
pair of 414s spaced in front of kit
Check if all the inputs work, there was something wack and I couldn't get all 16 inputs.
can't remember all the details but it turned out great.

The assistant was fairly helpful too and didn't care if we went over time and didn't count setup or tear down in the cost.

Have fun!
One thing for sure, I'd use the API preamp with every mic
Other than that, all that gear pretty much rocks, so I'd say try some mics and experiment while you have good gear available.
unfortunatly we could only afford to rent the place for two 10 hour days so i want to make good use of this time for tracking... i am going to test out the gear but i wanted to have a general idea of what works best with what so i can be efficient with the time i have. I am a beginner so i am familiar with the basic techniques of mixing, and tracking(quantizing, slip editing,mic placement,etc) but i havnt had the chance to test out much equipment. Before I picked up my ff800 i had a fire studio project for 3 years. But, i will ask the owner if i could maybe drop of the drums the night before so they can settle in.

thanks for the advice guys i appreciate it