The Clan Destined / Skyclad. Questions.


Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
First of all, when is going to be released Skyclad's "In The... All Together"? The myspace site doesn't tell too much. I read somewhere that was in June 2009.

And talking about Martin Walkyers project The Clan Destined. Is the album on stores, or only available in the website? What happened with this project and what happened with Martin, is he still into music?
The EP was mixed by Andy and James.

For the ones that didn't know this project...

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I believe the new Skyclad is out already ... good luck ordering it from them, I've heard several horror stories so far ... other than I can't give you more info cause I don't really give a fuck about them without Martin

I ordered my copy of the Clan Destined cd and shirt directly from their site and had no problems, evenrything got to me quickly and in perfect condition. Its probably your best bet to just order direct from their cause I don't think it'll be in any stores.
The new Skyclad should be released next month... I think that Amazon has it for $25 as an import. I'm going to wait to see what happens with the distribution before I order. I actually really dug 'A Semblance Of Normality', so we'll see...

The Clan Destined was just released in the States in a CD/DVD package; sounds like Martin had some problems with his co-writer in the project, as it took quite awhile for it to be released. It's decent... a bit more modern sounding and less folksy than his last stuff with Skyclad. Of course it's unmistakably Martin-sounding (a good thing!) I think that Martin is currently busy doing Sabbat stuff...