The cleanest way to get my DI's?


SSL Studios
Feb 19, 2007
What's the most cleanest way to record Guitar/Bass DI's without clipping through my current chain of a POD HD Pro and a Focusrite Scarlett?

I've read that the best would be through SPDIF as it's more 'direct' without any ADC going on. Is this true? I'm gonna be using X50/LeCab for my tones. So, would it be better to go :

a) Setting HD as my interface, bypassing any amp sim from it?

b) Using the HD's 'dry out' to my Scarlett's preamps set to Inst?

Thanks for reading.
Hello, apologies. I think I haven't been clear with my opening post.

I'm clipping if I run it through my Scarlett. The DI levels would peak over 0db and after a little bit of reading, found out it wasn't gonna work. Most of the guitars I have usually are fitted in with an EMG or JB. The active pickups are too much for the Scarlett to handle. I've tried running on Line through it but I get this muddy, unrealistic tone.

I know for sure that a great DI Box would do but it would be a waste to not make good use of the HD Pro. I'm just looking to see what's most of the user opinions with SPDIF HD Pro hook-up/Bypassing HD's amp sim for the best clean 'DI' tone from my guitars (like plugging in through an amp) with close to minimal preamp color?

Again, I really apologize for being too brief, I'm pretty much a noobie at this.
There is different scarlets, 2i2 with ridiculously low input level (-3 dbu it`s just crazy) and, for example, 2i4 with +13 dbu (Pad engaged), later can handle EMG`s at 9 V.
With 18 V you can just use guitar volume to get proper level. Passives like JB, or more hot, deliver more problems - hotter than EMGs at 9 V (in terms of peak level) and you can not use guitar volume without sacrificing your tone...
EMGs at 9 V have peak level of 2.25 V (according to EMG) which is +9.26 dbu.
There is different scarlets, 2i2 with ridiculously low input level (-3 dbu it`s just crazy) and, for example, 2i4 with +13 dbu (Pad engaged), later can handle EMG`s at 9 V.
With 18 V you can just use guitar volume to get proper level. Passives like JB, or more hot, deliver more problems - hotter than EMGs at 9 V (in terms of peak level) and you can not use guitar volume without sacrificing your tone...
EMGs at 9 V have peak level of 2.25 V (according to EMG) which is +9.26 dbu.

Dont worry, just make sure the strings are good, the sound crisp enough to have some decent top end and its hot enough. Ive seen DIs clipping! and they can sound great.
There is different scarlets, 2i2 with ridiculously low input level (-3 dbu it`s just crazy) and, for example, 2i4 with +13 dbu (Pad engaged), later can handle EMG`s at 9 V.
With 18 V you can just use guitar volume to get proper level. Passives like JB, or more hot, deliver more problems - hotter than EMGs at 9 V (in terms of peak level) and you can not use guitar volume without sacrificing your tone...
EMGs at 9 V have peak level of 2.25 V (according to EMG) which is +9.26 dbu.

Very helpful information there. To be specific, I'm using the Scarlett 8i6. I did a couple of research and found out that its a norm for the EMG's to clip (acting like an extra gain stage). I'm guessing that would be the same naturally for JB's?

I checked over at Focusrite's Scarlett tech website to get a more clearer view of the INST input.


- Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.1dB
- Gain Range: +13dB to +60dB
- THD+N: 0.004% (measured with 0dBu input and 20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
- Noise: -87dBu (20Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)


- Frequency Response: 20Hz - 20kHz +/- 0.2dB
- Gain Range: -10dB to +36dB
- THD+N: 0.001% (measured with 0dBFS input and 22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
- Noise: -90dBu (22Hz/22kHz bandpass filter)
- Input Impedance: >10kΩ

Should work with most of the EMG's bar the JB's right?

Dont worry, just make sure the strings are good, the sound crisp enough to have some decent top end and its hot enough. Ive seen DIs clipping! and they can sound great.

Interesting! Yes, I have new strings on. Actually, clipping only happens if I do palm mutes. Could you elaborate on the decent top end and being 'hot enough'. I usually average around -3db to 0db for the DI's.

Again, appreciate the responses guys :)
I`m thinking that in case of passive pickups interface clipping makes things worse, as for active pickups, clipping is one natural part of sound, but opamp clipping is better than digital clipping. With passive pickups you usually lose something with palm muting due to clipping, it gives slightly "active" feeling. I`m using input with +20 dbu level without amplification, so with active (even at 18 V) I`m only have clipping due to pickup preamp, passives recorded without clipping.
It`s true that some DIs with interface clipping can sound great if performance is great, but without such clipping these DIs could be even better, that`s all.
I'm using a Scarlet 2i2 with an ESP LTD EC-1000 (EMG 81/60) directly going into the line in. That works, for me, much better than using the instrument in.