The Clone Wars

They're pretty neat.

Goddamn, Order 66 was even sadder in the Republic comics then it was at the end of Revenge of the Sith.
These seems like a fairly obvious questions, but I don't believe it has been asked.
Star Wars fans, who is your favorite:


My favorite Jedi is either Quinlan Vos or Aayla Secura.
Sith, I'd have to say Darth Revan pre-redemption (or nonredemption if you consider non-canon storylines). Or Darth Krayt. Or Darth Maul. Goddamn, I love the Sith.
Other... hmmmm Boba Fett, I guess.
HK-47 was easily the best droid ever.

"I would have congratulated him, if he had not been sizzling and incoherent at the time. If you will excuse me, I will meditate on the face of my old master as he was being electrocuted. I find it most soothing.""

Darth Sidious, is also, the most intelligent sith I can think of. His scheming is awesome.
You guys are so original trilogy

Sidious killed 3 jedi, checked to see if mace windu had wings to see if he could fly after he went flying off a building, and he is the reason why darth vader is around.

Also he was of course Palpatine, who was a well known member of the council which hid his identity. The guy was a bad-ass and like you said, very smart.

I've always though Obi-Wan was cool, he brought up Luke and also he could cook a mean stir fry.